Summaries- jdormann

  1. It seems counterintuitive that a company with the “buy one, give one” slogan would hurt local business. The Tom’s shoe company claims that for every shoe they sell, they give one pair to a person in a developing country in need. Although this idea is great for feel good people and people that desperately need shoes, it negatively effects local markets. The distribution of free shoes challenges local merchants by taking business from them and causing a decline in sales. Overall, the idea of “buy one, give one” is a great idea, but not good in practice.
  2. It seems counterintuitive that taking multi-vitamins could be detrimental to a persons health. The health and supplement industry stress how buying their products will increase health and wellness. In actuality, an excess amount of certain vitamins can increase chances of cancer and disease in the body. Trying to become healthier should not be based on how many supplements you take, but how well your body feels and how everything is functioning properly and as it should. Multi-Vitamins do have their place in the lives of picky-eaters, the elderly, and people with prior health issues that require more of a specific vitamin to remain healthy. There is no reason for healthy individuals that eat a variety of foods to be taking multi-vitamins, and it could even make them less healthy.
  3. It seems counterintuitive that a city would give heroin addicts free heroin. People that are addicted to drugs or other substances can have a very hard time quitting. Vancouver, began implementing a new program that gives their addicts a safe place to get their fix. The city gives addicts clean needles, high quality drugs, and a safe place to do it. It is not an attempt to get the addicts clean from drugs, but to make the addicts and the city safer. The program works as a type of blackmail to try and help the addicts see they really do need to get help, but it is still up to the addict to get help. Programs like this may continue to pop up in the future to help cities with addiction issues and drug related crime.


Men Define Rape

It seems counterintuitive that men be allowed to dictate the rape of women. Author Erika Eichelberger published Men Defining Rape: A History an article that shows the progress of rape throughout the actions and beliefs of men during the different years. Going back to the Babylonian empire, the Code of Hammurabi-the laws of Mesopotamia, believed that if a woman was raped when she was a virgin then her rapist would have to pay her father in property damage. As degrading as that sounds married women were treated much harsher when raped since they were thrown into a river for adultery. Rape was better determined in the late 13th century with consent being prohibited to girls under the age of 12. This is the foundation of statutory rape today.  Skip ahead hundreds of years later and rape is only acknowledged if the women were white since by this time slavery has ended. If a woman was of minority you were disregarded. Finally, in the 21st century men still have not learned their ongoing lesson. In 2011, Republicans advocated to limit funding of abortions for rape victims who did not show signs of resistance. Thankfully this plan did not come into effect, however a new term called legitimate rape is on the rise. Legitimate rape means the woman’s body has the ability to ‘shut down’ or stop the effects of being raped.

Happiness Cannot be Pursued; It Must Ensue

It seems counterintuitive that looking for happiness causes people to be less happy. In 2013, The Atlantic publisher Emily Esfahani Smith wrote There’s More to Life Than Being Happy, an article that discusses the differences of having a meaningful life as opposed to a happy life.

To convey the message, she uses the help of holocaust survivor, psychiatrist and neurologist, Viktor Frankl. Frankl questioned what the meaning of life was if people were living to die in the end. In a concentration camp, Frankl discover the circumstances that need to happen to determine his answer through two of his patients. One man had nothing to live for except his child while the other was supposed to live in a foreign country in the future. This single distinction has made all the difference.  Frankl concluded in his book, Man’s Search for Meaning, that happiness could only be achieved as a result while a meaningful life is determined by how much one has suffered and the greater the responsibility someone takes on.

Researchers have confirmed Frankl’s theory. Studies suggest that people who have a purpose improves their mental and physical health as well as a high life satisfaction. Unfortunately, those who decide to try finding happiness are more likely to be less happy.  Psychologists were also able to analyze the categories meaningful and happy lives fell into. Meaningful lives were filled with people who are considered ‘givers’ while happy lives were ‘takers’. People with happy lives usually had every desire supplied to them and avoided high-stress situations. People with meaningful lives often had responsibility that came with self-sacrifice as well as dealing with a plethora of stress. At the end of the article it is concluded that one should strive for the meaningful life since it is more rewarding long-term.

Are Multi-Vitamins Dangerous?

It seems counterintuitive that multivitamins are unhealthy. In 2012, Mother Jones publisher Kiera Butler wrote Do Multivitamins Really Work an article discussing the effects multivitamins have on a person’s health. Butler let it be known that this billion-dollar market will say any positive health-related claim to make consumers buy their products. In reality, multivitamins are not the cause for good health in Americans. Those multivitamins that are said to protect customers from the risk of disease and illnesses do not.  Nutritionists believe that most of the vitamins and minerals people receive in the United States are through the foods they eat already. Adding multivitamins into a person’s average lifestyle could increase health risks and take away money that could be used for something more worthwhile. As a result of the negative effects of multivitamins senators want these products to be labeled by the FDA. These products should not be used by everyone because everyone does not need to take them. For this reason, the manufacturers of multivitamins are not happy with this new plan and are fighting against getting the FDA-approved labeling.

Summaries- amongothers13

Summary 1- “Do Toms Shoes Really Help People?”

It seems counterintuitive that a “buy one, give one” shoe business, such as Toms, a company in which people make a shoe purchase and then a pair of shoes is sent to someone in need, would not be much of a help to those people at all. However, Sarika Bansal from New York Times says that Toms might be guessing wrong. Do those people really need shoes?

Toms claims that the promotion of their shoes help children get an education, for in some places the children are prohibited from entering a school without shoes on. Sarika Bansal writes about her recent trip to Ethiopia, where she learned that the children that attend the school are gifted shoes from the school itself, meaning they are in no need of shoes at all.

When a tsunami hit Indonesia, the area was in a famine. People could not find food around them, so people began to send rice donations. This, however, only created a rice competition.

Toms also is known not to sell to local shoe stores, making it harder for the people to actually obtain the shoes. Bansal wrote to Toms and requested they start selling shoes locally so that more people can purchase them, but Toms never responded. Greg Adams made a comment that businesses such as Toms is considered a risk.

After the Haiti earthquake, people began to rely on NGO’s for food, for they knew their government would not supply enough for them. Toms decided to jump in and offer the Haitians shoes after the quake, for they simply assumed they would be in need. Alanna Shaikh wrote in a watchdog blog called “Aidwatch” an article called, “Nobody Wants Your Old Shoes: How Not to Help in Haiti”. She writes that people around the world never really know what is necessary unless they live there.

But, there is hope for buy one, give one companies. If they stop competing with other businesses, and if they start to cooperate with places in need to see what supplies they are lacking, they could start giving them resources they actually need.  One company is Warby Parker who makes glasses, and another is Two Degrees Foods donates meals to hungry children. However, it is hard to figure out the basis of the way Toms works, for there is very little information on their website, which is an issue because buyers want to know exactly how their money is being spent.

Summary 2- Men Defining Rape: A History

It seems counterintuitive to think that human beings could really deny a woman of being raped, however, the issue of rape has been evident for thousands of years. Overtime, men have been deciding on their own when it is okay or not okay to rape women. This article reveals a timeline of how men have been defining rape for thousands of years.

Hammurabi’s Code, 1780 B.C, claims that raping a virgin is “property damage” against her father. If you were married and were raped, it was considered cheating. They punished such sinners by throwing them in a river.

Deuteronomy 22:28-29 states that if a virgin is raped, the rapist owes her father 50 shekels and to marry her.

In Rome, the word raptus means the abduction of a woman. This means whatever was done to her next was secondary to the abductor.

An old British Text called Fleta stated that if a women was raped and became pregnant afterwards, then she was not raped for you cannot be able to conceive unless you gave consent.

In North Carolina, a man could legally rape his wife until 1993. They believed woman gave themselves up by getting married, making the men entitled to sex.

If you were of color, if you were raped, it wasn’t considered “rape”.  Even after the abolishment, white people still ignored the rape of colored people.

In the 18th and 19th century, men began to demand proof that a women was raped. Dr. Lawson Tait even said that if the woman didn’t squirm a lot, it was not rape. He says, “You cannot thread a moving needle.”

Women have been fighting for laws against rape and to do with rape, including date rape, and the rape of gender neutral people. You do not have to be a virgin to be raped. No matter the relationship, if a women does not want to have sex, the answer is no.

January of 2012, the FBI finally decided to change their definition of rape to include different kinds of sexual assault, other genders, for the victim being unable to give consent either by intoxication or loss of consciousness or simply for being in the wrong state of mind.

It was just last year that Republicans took a step back on the rape of women. They proposed to cut back on funding of abortions to women who were considered to be in situations of “non”  forcible rape. Of course, this failed, but the Republican fight against women just begun. They insist that if a women is being raped, then her body would have the ability to prevent it, as if they could stop their bodies from being invaded.

Summary 3- Do Multivitamins Really Work?

It seems counterintuitive that multivitamins would be doing more harm than good, but studies show the facts. An estimated one third of Americans take multivitamins daily (myself being a part of that percentage). The studies show, however, that multivitamins aren’t doing what they are supposed to do, or what people think they do. There seems to be little to no evidence that actually shows that it makes people healthier. In fact, vitamin deficiency is a rare occasion in the United States. Advertisements say that the vitamins help with bone strength, the heart, breast health, but in 2009 a group of women conducted an experiment that proved that the vitamins did not protect any aforementioned diseases they were said to protect against. This included heart disease, colon, and breast cancer.

Also, most people get their daily supply of vitamins from the food they eat alone. The body has a limit for certain vitamins and minerals, so if we indulge in more than the necessary amount by eating the vitamins, it is not healthy for us, and in fact is quite dangerous. Some studies have concluded that excessive vitamin intake to lesions that can lead to cancers. For the elderly, if they take an iron pill but get enough iron from the food they eat already, it is possible they could increase their risk of getting heart disease. Pregnant women could also increase the risk of birth defects by taking too many vitamins.

Thankfully, last June, manufacturers began to be forced to add a warning label on the bottles of vitamins to warn their users of the possible outcomes if misused. However, some vitamins lack a warning label, such as a gummy vitamin for kids that exceeded the necessary amount of vitamin A and zinc.

Federal Health Officials are telling healthy people to stop worrying about taking vitamins. However, some vitamins could help people suffering from anorexia, and kids that are picky eaters. The truth is, we might not realize just how much we benefit from our food intake, and we also might not realize the dangers of taking multivitamins.


It seems counterintuitive that a circus making money off of their animals would treat them so poorly and let them die. Sadly that is exactly the case with the Ringling Brothers, most commonly known as “The Greatest Show On Earth.” They are most notably known for their elephants and all of the amazing tricks they can do. So you would think that they would treat their money making animals with the best care, wrong. There have been cases after cases of animal cruelty, and each time the charges are dropped, another elephant dies, or another video shows up of one of the workers hitting the animals. The first big case was with a baby elephant who became very sick and started showing no interest in things he loved. Kenny, the baby elephant, was supposed to be given medical care before being cleared for a show, the first show he was not cleared but still went on, same with the second. After the second and show, a veterinarian came in and gave him medication and said he should not do the third show, the circus went against that advice and put Kenny in the third show, where he had bloody diarrhea during the performance and once he was back in the cage he died. This death could have easily been prevented if they gave their animals the correct treatment.

The Feld Entertaiment are the ones running the Ringling Brothers circus. This group is very corrupted in many ways, the whole circus is uses illegal training of animals and abuse and they get away with  it every time. It does not matter who tries to take them down, it does not work. Whether it is the USDA, PETA, Ron DeHaven, and a couple more animal activists have tried, but none have succeed. It is surprising how the circus could get away with all of this abuse for years even with video proof and eye witnesses coming forward. There is an abundance of videos of the trainers hitting the elephants with bullhooks, ankusks, and electric pods. They would continue to hit and hit and hit until the elephants are crying for it to stop. It is plain and clear that these animals are being abused and treated poorly, even though Feld keeps saying they are living in perfect conditions. Even when lawyers start cracking down on Felds they would not release all the information they had, they only shared the files that did not have any hint of animal abuse. Sadly for the elephants it seems that no matter what Felds entertainment do, they always get away with it.

It seems counterintuitive that if a women was raped and married at the time, she would be considered an adulterer and thrown in the river. It seems counterintuitive that if a girl was raped, she would be forced to marry her rapist and her dad gets fifty shekels out of it. It seems counterintuitive that if a husband raped his wife, it was not illegal, and that was in affect until 1993 in North Carolina. Rape is rape, women see it as that, some men on the other hand do not. For example, the men in the Republican party, their idea of rape goes back to when it could only happen to somebody who is single, did not get pregnant or who was a virgin, and only females could be raped. It is honestly heartbreaking that the people in charge of America right now, do not know the definition of rape, and are okay with having a President accused of rape on multiple occasions.

It seems counterintuitive that multivitamins do almost nothing to make us healthier. Instead of making people healthier, the vitamins might actually be putting the person at more risk of a disease than without taking them. Vitamin deficiency is very rare, almost nobody gets it, because even though most of the food we eat may not be necessarily the healthiest for us, they still have enough vitamins and minerals that adults need on a daily basis. Suprisingly enough if there is too much vitamins and minerals in your system, it is actually bad for you. That is why if you take multivitamins on top of eating generally healthy, you will be consuming too much vitamins and minerals. For example having to much folic acid can lead to a risk of colorectal cancer. Some of the multivitamins already have too much of certain things in there, which is extremely unhealthy. One multivitamin has double the recommended dose for vitamin A.


How Organ Recipients Are Chosen?

It seems counterintuitive that a small child would not get first priority on an organ recipient list over an older, bigger bodied recipient. the question at hand is not why a child would get first dib’s on a kidney over an old man, but why there is a question of age in the first place? A child has an whole life to live. The converation on Sarah Murnaghan’s case brings up A moral issue that is very difficult to assess.

Sarah Murnaghan was put on the adult waiting list two years before she finally received a lung transplant. The controversy, and uproar about her situation begins with those who feel Sarah should have had higher priority due to her age, and being deathly ill. Others who argued this issue felt that giving an adult lung to a child is similar to a waste… considering the fact that giving a child an oversized organ (especially a lung) would have substantially lower odds of success over those who could benefit more.

The practical solution cannot come down to morality. The moral liberties of society, and the most intuitive answer to the issue would suggest that the lung should go to the child. In fact, The Murnaghan family believed this to be true whole heartedly to the point of taking legal action. Suing Health and Human Recourses, and winning the case providing their so deserving daughter of a lung.

How though? if this is the case, why can’t everyone just sue the hospitals, cause controversy, and magically get what they “deserve”. As a society, we are not capable of deciding who is allowed/has more priority over another person. If I was a 40 year old male who was on the list for 3 years, waiting painfully to acquire a transplant, and I was up on the list, I would expect to be the priority. Expecting this, and hearing about Sarah’s case would make me feel cheated. in fact, I’m sure that’s how most of the people before/after/as deserving as her would feel.

Free Heroin to Battle Addiction

It seems counterintuitive to continuously supply a highly dependent Heroin addict Heroin. A drug that ruins peoples lives, and not only that, ruins the environment by leaving used needles and equipment around, or passing out/dying somewhere in an alley should not be readily administered. The War on heroin seems to have no solution, and if even the law cannot quell the ongoing heroin epidemic, what can?

The City of Vancouver may have found their “solution” to the problem of heroin addiction. Simply taking in addicts, supplying them with clean materials to use, giving them heroin, and providing them with a safe place to do it in… under the supervision of a nurse of course. This program is ran in a safe injection site called “Insite” where addicts can shoot up as they would love to do, but not only freely, but where they cant get in trouble by the police. A sort of safe haven for heavily dependent slaves to a drug that is now safer to partake in their unhealthiest habit!

Vancouver’s solution is Ironic. Readily supplying an addict on a regular basis is not defeating the addiction, but I’m assuming that the upmost task/goal is not to prevent the addiction, but to prevent the addiction from ruining the environment around the addict. Since this seems like one of the only imaginable steps due to the fact that the legal pressure does not compel addicts from shooting up, providing them with a cleaner, more public friendly way of doing it is a good first step. I say “public friendly” because it keeps the addiction epidemic out of the public eye. The heroin epidemic will never solve its self. The only step to be taken is getting it off the streets, and into safe injection sites. It seems counterintuitive, but eliminating some effects is better than eliminating none.

This programs arrival into Vancouver dates back to 2008, and has “origins in Europe with countries like Switzerland, Germany, Britain and the Netherlands all administering their own version of the program in Vancouver” according to a detailed report in Time back in 2009. With more studies, experience, and results, we as a society could make a change on the horrible epidemic. For now, getting it away from the public eye and sort of hiding the problem by making it clinical will do.

Is This Photo Ethical?

It seems counterintuitive to expose the awful tragedies that happens to people by taking photographs exploiting those at their weakest. Getting that perfect shot may not always be so ethical, and in fact, in most cases it isn’t. exposing images of those crying, dead bodies, or anything that could be helped by anything other than taking a photo is very disrespectful, and corrupt.

The way I view it, is in favor of those who don’t have a clue what’s going on in the first place. Going through an unexplainable disaster, and then after having someone who (for the most part) does not care about the outcome of their muse is disrespectful. Situations like the Haitian police shooting and killing a 15 year old girl on accident while firing warning shots, and photographers rushing to the scene to get the best shot of the tragedy is completely unethical.

I’m sure many more photos of distressed victims of unexplainable tragedies are out there on the internet. Those in the pictures most likely do not get any compensation for the picture as well, while potentially millions of people view the post.

My position is not with against the pictures, but the photographers who witness and recorded the event. Its just like a paparazzi, getting the best photo while perusing it in places they should not be.


Purposeful Summary- branxmad

  1. Men Defining Rape: A History

It seems counterintuitive that men are defining rape against women. Throughout time, rape had different meanings and act of rape itself was not always seen as an assault. The laws provide against rape greatly relate to the era in which the laws were placed. Because of the different historical periods, laws on rape were constantly changing. In January of 2012, the most current definition of rape was updated by the FBI and includes different forms of sexual assault and assault on other genders.

  1. How the Mind Really Works

It seems counterintuitive that an individual is unaware of what goes on in their own mind. Beliefs that one many have about their thoughts has been confirmed as inaccurate according to the Psychological studies conducted throughout the years. Becoming familiar with the content of these studies provides insight on how you live your everyday life, including how you make decisions, perceive authority figures, planning out the day and performing tasks.

  1. Serious Psychological Disorders in College Students

It seems counterintuitive that college-aged students suffer many different psychological disorders during their time in college. Disorder such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders and ADHD are becoming more prevalent in students. The cause of these rising disorders could be due to the economy, making it harder for students and their families to pay for a college education. In addition, due to the increase of students facing these disorders, finding, providing and maintaining treatment is becoming more difficult. Making alternative resources available is greatly encouraged to students who may not be able to find help on their own.


Purposeful Summary-ChandlerBing

Is PTSD Contagious?

It seems counterintuitive that Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can be seen as contagious. At most, 336,000 Americans have gone to war and came back home showing symptoms of PTSD. These symptoms include reliving the traumatic event, avoiding situations that remind you of that event difficulty controlling emotions and so much more. Spouses of men and women with PTSD claim to be experiencing the symptoms without ever experiencing a traumatic experience. Even their children show behavior problems at school. Studies of the children of World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam War veterans with PTSD show that 45 percent of children reported signs of PTSD. Other studies concluded that there is a higher rate for psychiatric treatment. To these studies demise, a team of Dutch and Israeli researchers, in 2005, used meta-analysis to determine that the “spreading” of trauma did not occur within the families of Holocaust survivors.

Prozac: What’s Race Got to Do With It?

It seems counterintuitive that doctors prescribe antidepressants to patients with private health insurance more than minorities, or people using Medicare or Medicaid. Research on medical data of over 125 million patients determined doctors were 60 percent less likely to be prescribed Prozac rather they were prescribed older generations of antidepressants. In 2008, 11 percent of whites and 4 percent of minorities were being treated for depression. Quite frankly, nobody knows why there are these differences when it comes to prescribing antidepressants to patients.

Do Multivitamins Really Work?

It seems counterintuitive to think that multi-vitamins don’t actually help defend your body against illnesses. The supplement industry is worth $28 billion. Nutritionists claim that there is zero evidence to support the fact that multi-vitamins do what they are supposed to do. Most people get all of the supplements they need through their regular diet. In fact, taking multi-vitamins can lead to an excessive consumptions of vitamins which can be dangerous. What’s even more reckless is that the FDA does not regulate the labels of supplements.

Summaries – Plethoragaming

It seems counter intuitive that the competitive video game industry going but is it worth it to award players a gold medal? Esports is what the competitive video game industry is called, and its rapidly growing. The League of Legends World Championship had a 15 million people watching at its peak with sold out arenas and players winning millions of dollars. Games like this are considered “mind sports” even though it does not have any real physical activities, so who knows if esports will make it into the Olympics.

It seems counter intuitive that esports is growing but there is a lot of resistance in the growing it. The Super Bowl Championship in 2015 had a $5.1 million dollar payout and the Game Dota 2 Championship had $5 million dollar payout in 2014. With a growth in payout like this it is futile to resist having esports grow. Twitch bought by Amazon, which is a platform for gamers to stream their games, get over 100 million unique viewers a month. Gaming industry has more followers on YouTube than sports, news and education.

It seems counter intuitive that fast food is growing, and the effects of it has not lowered. Junk food has shown to cause fatigue causing energy for daily tasks to drop. Not only that, it drops our daily performance and increases obesity, these food cause cause high blood pressure which can cause serious health problems. Junk food can even cause damage to liver and heart due to its high trans fat. And finally junk food is only of leading reasons to diabetes, which occurs due to high sugar intake.

Purposeful Summaries—Princess45

It seems counterintuitive that there are so many nuclear power plants in the U.S when we are constantly being told of how harmful they can be to us. Global warming has constantly been an issue in our world and it will continue to be as long as there are people on this planet. Nuclear power plants can be extremely dangerous if anything were to happen and became out of control. These plants from an alternate source of energy without the high levels of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels but there are a lot of costs and questions such as where and how will there be a proper disposal of waste? How safe are they? and what are the consequences of a disaster in a populated area? Not only are these power plants dangerous to the environment but they are dangerous to us as humans. The talk of Nuclear power plants has been around for years and it will continue to be as long as global warming is a current issue.

It seems counterintuitive that a New York assembly man who’s daughter has needed two transplants is is fighting to increase the number of organ donations by trying to change the voluntary organ donation system to a presumed consent. This means that you would  automatically be an organ donor unless you opt out. Monique Sneed has a mother who has just been told that she needs a transplant and she is a donor herself but doesn’t believe in the presumed consent. She chooses to wait for someone who voluntarily wants to help and that it would still not lead to 100% donation. The presumed consent has failed in two states.


It seems counterintuitive that the FDA does not regulate the labeling of supplements. So do multivitamins really work?  There is virtually be no evidence that multivitamins actually make healthy people healthier. Some multivitamins have been proven to do more damage than benefits. The vitamin shop has 700 million in annual sales and has been growing year after year, and just recently there has been multiple studies that show that you could be “Pissing your money away”.  Just last June manufactures were forced to put a label on multivitamins relating the “health risks”. How can there be heath risks if they are just natural vitamins that our bodies need? Not all companies police their labels well and it was found that 60 common multivitamins found fault with their labels. Most people will have adequate nutrient intake with their daily eating.

Purposeful Summaries-Jonhjelly

Price to high

It seems counterintuitive the price to build a nuclear power plant is to high and not demanding right now. There are other concerns to be dealt with before we have to worry about a what if factor. One of the biggest problems we would face is money. Were would we find enough money to fund this project. Banks are not lining up at the door to come fund this idea no matter how good it could be for the state. But if we were to make a power plant other factors have to go into the idea. For instance the safety of the plant. Is it safe enough for people to work on and how many deaths happen per year. An the plants that we have right next to New York if a incident occurs then it would be chaos getting them out of the city. Nuclear power would be very beneficial towards the city but the cost of it will be to expensive.

New Yorker: ”silent Minds”

It seems counterintuitive that doctors have been misdiagnosing  patients of PVS when in reality they are conscious. Their has been serval studies completed in the late 1990s about patients who suffer from disorder of consciousness. But 15 to 43 percent of the time they are misdiagnosis because of the doctors relying on their bed side observation. The have been overlooking the patient behavior like their breathing and the way they smile or cry, and they would look at these characteristics as evidence of conscious. A lot of the patients who are blind are conscious and are able to communicate are just being misdiagnosis by the physicians.

The Daily Shower Can Be a Killer

It seems counterintuitive that the shower can be a killer to the elderly.  Falls are the common cause of death in older people. So the author of the article is explaining the percentages of a person falling in the shower. He talks about his which is 75 and how if he lives to reach 90 his life expectance then he has about 5 thousands more showers to go. An the odds of the author falling in the shower has now just gone by 5. He goes on to talk about to odds of a  dead tree failing on a person(1 in a 1000). Then he talks about how Guineans have to be be more alert and think clearly about dangers 911 to bail them out or doctors either. He states that they watch out for the wrong things. The author states that his hyper vigilance doesn’t keep him from living a full and happy life. He enjoys all the dangerous things but he try to keep in mind the danger ratios.