A13: Rebuttal Rewrite

Rebuttal Rewrite

As you did before with your Definition and Causal Rewrites, you’ll be required to revise and re-post your Rebuttal Argument as a Rebuttal Rewrite. You’ll publish your new post in a new Category, A13: Rebuttal Rewrite.

Whatever improvements you make to your Rebuttal argument, you can also copy back to your first assignment, A10: Rebuttal Argument.

For the time being, then, both posts will be identical but with different titles. The only difference will be what happens in the future.

  • Your original Rebuttal Argument will be a permanent part of your Non-portfolio collection of assignments.
  • You can continue to improve your A13 right up until the day Portfolios are due, although feedback may be very limited, and you will not receive a specific grade for improvements you make. The final version, however, will contribute to your overall holistic Portfolio grade.

Works Cited
You’ll need to cite three sources for this Rewrite, which can be different from those you selected for your first posts for this Argument.


  • Post this mandatory Rewrite of your Rebuttal Argument before class on WED NOV 23.
  • Make significant revisions to your A10, then copy and paste your best draft to make your A10 and A13 identical for the time being.
  • Include Works Cited.
  • Title your post Rebuttal Rewrite—Username.
  • Publish your definition essay in the A13: Rebuttal Rewrite category and your own Username category.


  • Due before your class meets WED NOV 23.
  • Customary late penalties. (0-24 hours 10%) (24-48 hours 20%) (48+ hours, 0 grade)
    Portfolio Essay