Visual Rhetoric- Splash305

The video I have chosen is called Never Here by Project Yellow Light and it is 35 seconds long.

0:00- In this image there is a boy sitting looking at his phone on a tan, new looking leather couch, it seems to be his house. It seems that way because in the corner of the room I see a photo of was seems to be a husband and wife.  There is a fleece blanket bunched up next to him which gives off the feeling of comfort in one’s own home. He is wearing a black sweater and gray sweat pants so it might be the winter time. There is a glass door in the corner of the room and you can see what looks like a shed of some sort.

0:02- The same boy has switched places, still on his phone but now in a library. Wearing a different blue sweater but I cannot see his pants. He is sitting at a desk in the library with books around him but he is not reading them. The boy seems more interested in his phone rather than all the books around him. It doesn’t look like he in in a school library because all the books look to be covered in laminate, like they do in public libraries.

0:03- The boy has moved places again, this time to a gym. He is still on his phone and looks like he is doing sit-ups. He is now wearing a white T-shirt with a yellow sweat band around his head, and a watch around his wrist. Around him are free weights like a squat rack and a bench press but no people. The expression on his face hasn’t changed in any of the scenes, he keeps the same one. He looks like he doesn’t care what is happening around him and all he’s worried about is what’s on his phone.

0:04- Now the boy has moved into what looks like a mall cafeteria, and is still on his phone. He is not worried about the people around him nor does he look like he is socializing with them. He is sitting next to another boy in a red hoodie who appears to be eating maybe talking with friends. He is wearing a gray long sleeved shirt with a T-shirt underneath. There are strangers around him eating and talking at other tables and he seems to be the only one distracted by his phone.

0:05- The boy looks like he is at a party, maybe his birthday party because there is a cupcake right in front of him with a candle in it that is lit. He is sitting on his phone not paying attention to the cupcake or the people around him. The people around him are all standing around him at the table, one looks to be clapping and others smiling having a good time. He is wearing a nicer white blue stripped sweater and only interested in his phone.

0:06- The boy is alone on a carousel sitting on a horse while on his phone. His expression is still the same and there is nobody around him. He is now wearing a cream long sleeved shirt with a T-shirt underneath. He doesn’t seem to be bothered that he is alone because he has his phone.

0:07- The scene has changed to him with a girl sitting on a couch that looks fabric, maybe at her house because he had a leather couch. She has her arm on his shoulder trying to talk to him but he is only paying attention to his phone. Maybe she is his girlfriend and she is trying to get his attention but he doesn’t care, maybe she’s even upset that he isn’t paying attention to her. He is wearing the same sweater he wore in the scene at his birthday party. There are a lot cactuses behind them so maybe the girl’s parents are really into nature.

0:08- The boy is back in his house so it seems and he has his phone in his hand, the camera shot is being taken from inside the fridge and he is closing the door.

0:09- He is now laying in his bed and is underneath the covers but still on his phone. He looks like he is hiding so maybe he’s supposed to be asleep but he’d rather play on his phone.

0:09- The scene has switched to another house, maybe his friend’s house and he is standing on one side of the ping pong table. It looks like he is trying to film his friends playing ping pong. He is wearing a T-shirt and sweat pants, so maybe that represents that the season is changing. His facial expression has still not changed.

0:10- This scene he is on an escalator that looks like it could be in a mall and is seems to be going upward. There are no people around and he is still on his phone. He is wearing a worn out red hat and a puffy blue winter jacket. In the background, the lights in the mall seem to be out so maybe the mall is closed.

0:11- Now it looks like he is at a party with people all around. The room is dark but lights are flashing and people are having a good time but he is on his phone paying no attention to them.

0:12- He is back laying in his bed laying on his side with the covers pulled over his head, still on his phone. There is a window next to his bed and the blinds are closed but there is light shining through so it is still daylight outside. But he is sitting in the dark alone in his room.

0:15- The scenes that I have stated above where all played again multiple times in a very fast pace.

0:16- He is now sitting in a car on the drivers sit with his phone in his hands. The car seems to be in park and he does not have his seatbelt on, and he is in the car alone.

0:17- The boy put his phone down and it is showing us the conversation between him and someone else. He told the other person he was driving now so he would talk to them later.

0:21- He started the car and is showed him driving away and words popped up on the screen that read “Not Here, Never Here.”

0:23- Next is showed the car continuing to drive away and another caption came up that said “Don’t Text and Drive” and then the ad was over.

3 thoughts on “Visual Rhetoric- Splash305”

  1. Splash, I haven’t watched this video, so I don’t know what to expect. I’ll experience it through your eyes first, beginning with the first second. My first set of notes will be about the opening image.

    Your comments:
    0:00- In this image there is a boy sitting looking at his phone on a tan, new looking leather couch, it seems to be his house. It seems that way because in the corner of the room I see a photo of was seems to be a husband and wife. There is a fleece blanket bunched up next to him which gives off the feeling of comfort in one’s own home. He is wearing a black sweater and gray sweat pants so it might be the winter time. There is a glass door in the corner of the room and you can see what looks like a shed of some sort.

    You’re doing a good job of combining close attention to visual details with conclusions we might draw from what we’re seeing. (In your notes, use “we” not “I” and “you” to indicate what WE see in the video. This is good practice for the preferred approach to person in this class.) We immediately presume the boy is being filmed in his own house. Only if we get contradictory evidence would we decide he’s visiting somebody else’s house. Your phrase “comfort in one’s own home” is a good one, indicating not just that the shot is a room interior, but that we’re encouraged to think about comfort, home, and familiarity (maybe also family).

    Things you might have noticed or mentioned, trivial as they may seem:
    —The thermostat. Along with the fleece and the boy’s sweater, it also indicates a cozy home where we can choose our own temperature against whatever weather is visible through that glass door.
    —He’s Asian, or Asian-American. Yes, we’re cautious discussing ethnicity, but if this ad turns out to be about an exchange student program, or cross-cultural adoption, his ethnic or cultural heritage will be very significant. For now, it could be an accident of casting except that you’ve been instructed to presume there are no accidents. Why was he chosen?
    —He sits on the center cushion. It’s natural, probably, but if he expected to be joined by someone else, would he sit in the middle or choose a side?
    —He’s already texting when he sits down. This is very different from sitting and then beginning to text. It means he’s been walking around texting, which means what?

    Too much? Will this help you proceed with the rest of the video? I won’t watch it until the midnight deadline has passed.
    I’d appreciate your reaction, please, Splash.


  2. Thank you, I do appreciate all the feedback it really does help me. Yes I do understand that I could had addressed that it was an Asian American boy but I was not sure how to casually add that or if it needed to be added. But I also do enjoy the other visual thing you pointed out, becuase yes I saw them but I was not sure how to add them in without being too broad.


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