Bibliography — dragon570

A7FL. “Safety – A7FL.A7FL. A7FL, n.d. Web. 06 Nov. 2016

Background: This source talks about the disadvantages that a players has when they have their helmet on during games. A7FL is a football organization that player football without helmets. It compares it’s player concussion rate to that of the NFL’s concussion rate.

How it was Used: I used it in my Casual Argument in the third paragraph because it showed how many hits player receive in one game and that can cause a player to receive a concussion.

Brain Concussion – Shake It and You Break It | Steven Laureys | TEDxLiège. Dir. Dr. Steven     Laureys. Perf. Steven Laureys. YouTube. YouTube, 2 May 2016. Web. 06 Nov. 2016.

Background: Talks about how athletes that get blows to the head repeatedly can hurt later on in their lives.

How it was Used: I used this in my Causal Argument because Steven’s main point was that multiple blows to the head can cause someone to feel the effects after awhile whether it be right that second or later down in their lives.

Concussion: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention.” WebMD. ebMD, n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2016.

Background: It talks about what happens in the skull when a concussion occurs and also the symptoms that come with having a concussion

How it was Used: I used it in my Definition argument when I explained what happen to the brain when someone has a concussion.

Dawson, Peter. “Rugby Tries – How and Where You Score Tries in Rugby.” RugbyHow. RugbyHow, n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2016.

Background: It goes over the basic rules of game of rugby and how it’s played.

How it was Used: I used it in my Definition argument because it help me get a better and more accurate description of how Rugby is played

Drysdale, Thomas A. “Journal of Legal Medicine.” Helmet-to-Helmet Contact: Avoiding a Lifetime Penalty. Taylor And Francis Online, 13 Dec. 2013. Web. 06 Nov. 2016.

Background: It studies the effects of Chronic  Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) has on NFL player because a football player named Junior Seau died from this disease when he shot himself. He was in the NFL for 19 seasons as a linebacker.

How it was Used: I used this article in my Causal Argument in the second paragraph. I thought it was useful because it showed that even player that had helmets on during the game can receive concussions and multiple hits to the head can cause a person to receive a concussion.

Fawcett, Robert. “Pads and Helmets: Rugby vs. Gridiron.” Pads and Helmets: Rugby vs. Gridiron. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2016.

Background: It compares how rugby and the football are different Robert Fawcett is someone who has experience in both rugby and football and he gives his take on it.

How it was Used: I used this source in proposal +5 because it shows how football and rugby are different.

Goff, Alex. “Concussions: Rugby Can Help Football.” The Post Game. RugbyMAG, 15 Oct. 2013. Web. 4 Dec. 2015.

Background: It compares rugby to football and showing how better rugby tackling is more effective than the way football players tackle.

How it was Used: I used this source in my proposal +5 because it agreed with the idea that rugby tackling is more effective than how the NFL players tackle.

Haislop, Tadd. “Football Helmets Are Creating More Problems than They Solve.” Sporting News. Sporting News, 28 May 2015. Web. 20 Nov. 2016.

Background: It explains how football helmets are causing more harm than good.

How it was Used: I used this source in my proposal +5 because it is an article about how rugby. Also, they say that football player feel they are indestructible.

Lemco, Tyler. Lemco: Why Football Needs Less Pads. Computer software. CBS Local Sports. CBS, 3 July 2015. Web. 04 Dec. 2016.

Background: They says that rugby has less injuries than football, but they have less padding.

How it was Used: I used this source in my white paper because it helps me find the some of the flaws that for in the NFL’s way of tackling. This article also compares rugby and football tackling and says that rugby has less concussions than football and rugby wears little to no pads.

Quirk, Ryan, Jason McDonald, Meehawl Mofiodh, PJ Coward, Cameron Rudderham, Simon McCormack, and Gary Snook. “Re: Why Does Football Have a Much Bigger Concussion Problem than Rugby Even Though Rugby Players Wear Far Less Protection?” Blog comment. Quora. Quora, 13 July 2015. Web. 4 Dec. 2016.

Background: Numerous people agree that the helmets in the NFL are doing more harm than good because of the thought that they are invincible when they have their helmets and pads on but that far from the truth.

How it was Used: I used it in my proposal +5 because it was exactly the kind of source I was looking for when it came to football players thinking they’re indestructible but in actuality they aren’t.

Vrentas, Jenny. “Helmetless Football? It’s the New Practice at New Hampshire.” The MMQB. Muscles and Medicine, 4 Dec. 2014. Web. 04 Dec. 2016.

Background: It talks about how players of the University of New Hampshire once the top school for players being treated with concussions to having their no helmets during certain parts of their practice.

How it was Used: It used this source in my proposal +5 because it shows how the game is evolving. Also, having certain drills without helmets can really benefit the players into realizing that they have to protect their head more.

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