36 thoughts on “Agenda MON FEB 12”

  1. 1. One critique class notes taken in order to effectively communicate between student and teacher.
    – Crystallization of ideas in notes.
    2. Mirror Paradox
    – Cindy Crawford
    – Left and rights
    – Driver’s front indicates front left on the pet/animal companion.
    – How one sees themselves in a mirror is different from how the world sees them.
    – The brain flips everything we see, but correctional parts flip it right side up.
    – Refer to the diagram drawn on board.
    –> NOTE: Mirrors do not flip left-to-right, but front-to-back. <–
    – Scarlett
    – Tattoo of FITCH would be able to be read if flipped left-to-right
    – Obama
    – The flag pin is still located on the left lapel.
    – Professor played around with Obama's photo.
    – Things shown in the mirror do not flip opposite sides.

    Political Paralysis
    – Ask provocative questions in order to address the issue. However, the professor does not desire to see rhetorical questions.
    – The inoculation created man-made polio as Man almost eradicates it from nature.
    – Examples of a comparative essay and categorical essay. Explain differences – Smallpox eradication v.s. Polio
    eradication. Cowpox v.s. smallpox.
    – Eye-opening claims to hook readers. (revelation)
    – Know the meaning of research.
    – Comparison strategies through "massaging" materials found on scholar essays.



    1. These probably work for you, MS. They’re particular enough to call up specific, meaningful concepts. The only one I would recommend replacing with a substitute would be:
      “Know the meaning of research.” If you can describe it in a few words, you’ll always know where to find it. 🙂



  2. our class discussion involved looking the mirror paradox which is the difference between how we see things for ourselves compared to others seeing us. the mirror doesn’t flip things at all because its based on people point of view. when we see something in a different point of view we would say its fake or its backward.
    For the political paralysis the point of going over it was to make sure we don’t start our writing by defining words. instead we should start off with a strong opening to get a reader hooked because if not readers wont even want to finish. the small paper is 1000 words and is on the topic small pox. it is due by Wednesday. Go into the research to not look for ways to prove your opinion instead form your hypothesis after finding research. When researching keep your mind and views open so they you can find good sources and learn something along the way. instead of narrowing your search for topic look for past experiences that relate slightly.


      NO. Your Definition Essay is NOT on the topic of smallpox.
      Review the Agenda for WED FEB 07, find the assignment there, and read both it and the lecture material from the same day.


  3. mirrors do not flip left to right
    If using a rhetorical question, point them to the answer right away. Humans create more polio than nature does.
    Definition essay: Do not start with defining the term. Do not cite dictionary. Categorical essay to compare different terms and ideas. While researching open your mind and do not narrow down onto one thing.


  4. Definition Essays:
    Do not define essay
    Give interesting claims at the beginning of essay
    Give categorical claims and terms
    Small Paper 1000 words

    Look on Rowan Campbell Library for sources
    Do not pay for any sources
    Use Google scholar
    If you still cannot find source than your search is specific


  5. We went over the importantance of taking notes with a purpose and with detailed information, so that we can later go back and understand it. A definition essay explains an idea or statement over the course of the piece. It is not a word for word definition. It is many claims about the topic to help a reader to understand the topic. Include outside sources and use another writers claims to support and explain yours. Proof of your idea is not always necessary. Creating a new argument and defining it with somewhat related sources is the goal of a definition essay. The concept is more valuable than the specific information about a topic. Databases have many quality sources.


  6. We talked about the mirror paradox with an example of a photo of Cindy Crawford. When we flip the mirror of an image even though it is the same image it is a completely different looking image. We come to the conclusion that a mirror flips images front to back because truly the mirror doesn’t flip anything at all. We looked at a model definition argument that was about political paralysis. Definition essays do not start with the definition of the word nor do mention the definition. In your essay or argument you want to distinguish as much as possible the differences between your factors of your argument. We looked at the example White Paper of Polio and the different quotes that were pulled out. We should compare and contrast the different types of factors of elimination. We talked about the Westboro Baptist Church and the hate that they have for God and gays. In your sources you are looking for any kind of proof that supports your claim and find a person who values your opinion. If you cannot find any information it is a good thing because you will be the first to prove it. Try to use Google Scholar to find sources and you can even use Wikipedia at the bottom to find sources.


    1. I want to pick small fights with about half of your claims here, AA. On the other hand, there’s plenty of specific details and strong concepts to earn the full credit for notes. So:


  7. – mirrors flip left to right but not vertically.
    – the mirror doesn’t flip anything.
    – example of definition argument.


  8. – mirrors flip left to right but not vertically.
    – the mirror doesn’t flip anything.
    – example of definition argument.
    – great class


    1. Thanks for updating your Notes to add: “great class”!
      I appreciate it. I doubt your notes will help you much if you ever need them, but the do indicate you attended and paid attention.


  9. To begin class today, we recapped the idea of taking “good notes” and making sure the notes we take will help us if we look back weeks from now we know what we talked about. We used the mirror paradox to illustrate when you flip an image it can change the whole look of the image. Looking into a mirror does not flip an image left to right or up and down, however it flips it from front to back. After the mirror paradox, we read davidbdale’s definition essay and that we need to make meaningful claims to hook the reader for the definition essay, follow rules of other essays when writing this. In addition we need to use our research to discover new information not prove something already known. One way to do the essay if your topic works with it is comparing and contrast the two different idea, for example small pox and polio. We looked at the “Westboro Baptist Church” and how awful these people act to try to promote what they believe, the signs where horrible and going against anyone besides themselves. We looked at better strategies to find articles when we can’t find them by google searching our topic. By updating your topic or search key words and type them into google scholar you can find new evidence and articles. To end the class we rapped up what we have to accomplish by Wednesday and good citations, such as direct quotes, author, and proper form in which we should use in our essays due down the road.


  10. You began the class with the mirror paradox as for their was a picture of Cindy Crawford on the board. You stressed the importance of mirrors and how they reflect an image back to you. As a class, we brushed upon the fact that your retina is correctional and flips everything you see for you, without it we would see the world upside down. What we concluded is that mirrors flip from front to back. Next, Professor Hodges explained our next categorical essay in depth so that we fully understand the work assigned to us.


    1. I know it’s a bully move to instruct you on note-taking, NR, but I want to point out that this note conveys no information: “Next, Professor Hodges explained our next categorical essay in depth so that we fully understand the work assigned to us.”

      An example of another note that makes the same mistake: “Professor Hodges told us all about yesterday’s weather and how it affected the city’s plans.”

      Followed by a note that uses the same number of words to communicate: “Professor Hodges told us that yesterday’s rain had forced the city to cancel the parade.”



  11. Today in class, we further discussed the definition essay. For this essay, we do not need to exactly define a word, but provide important information on a subject to hook the reader. We may also need to compare and contrast two words and describe each word if they are in our essay. We also discussed how we can use Rowan to find more and better sources and improve your essay. There is always a way to find more sources even if you do not think you can find any. If we cannot find a source, it means we are onto something you need to prove. You need to search further than just trying to find a source that already proves your hypothesis. You cannot look for something too specific, but something you can relate to your own topic.


  12. •If you ask for something to be graded it will be graded as to if you put it into your portfolio at that moment. These are not the grades you want to see/keep but revising your work will allow you to obtain better grades
    •Right and left are ambiguous for example looking at Cindy Crawford she has a mole on the left side of her face which means it’s on your right side. Sometimes it is confusing to realize what is really left and right while looking at something in front of you.
    •Mirrors don’t flip things at all they don’t flip things left and right, mirrors flip front to back. Mirrors don’t flip things to the other side of your body
    •Opened with a rhetorical question for first paragraph of classification argument, may forbade the class from opening with a rhetorical question. If you do open with one you have to answer that question right away, not just use it to pull in readers.
    •When finding sources for classification argument essay you can add those sources to your white paper under a heading called topic for smaller paper.
    • When not finding sources to support your hypothesis could be a good thing because then you will be proving you point on your own. By not finding support it will allow you to open your mind and find more information.
    •In text citations no parenthetical citations while writing your classification essay, while writing your essay it is okay for feel uneasy about your first draft it is a way to get the ball rolling it does not need to be perfect. It is better to produce some work than no work at all.


  13. We started by talking about the fact that millennials no longer know the same people the Prof. knows. Uma Thurman still has fans in the class though. Prof. has a mole on his noes apparently. Cindy Crawford is the first example, and she has a signature mole on the left side of her mouth. We took an image of her, and looked at it at different angles. We talked about how the eye flips things and turns them around, and I (for a brief moment) had a crisis. The answer to the mirror question, is that it doesn’t flip things at all. The next example was Scarlett Johansson (who looks a lot like a young Christopher Walken) and her picture explained that mirrors don’t flip things left to right. Using the picture as former president Barack Obama, we realized that mirror flips front to back.

    Next, we moved onto the Prof.’s definition essay on how many children we will need to paralyze to eradicate polio forever. He had only completed the first paragraph, and he ended it with the grim claim that we create more polio cases with our inoculation program than nature does. Cow pox is effective against smallpox. Definition paper should be 1000 words (by Wednesday). Prof. continues to update his White Paper. Compares polio to smallpox in his writing. His writing says that smallpox used to kill more people than most other diseases combined (10 million cases, 2 million deaths). The red in his writing his the comparison part. Smallpox took 10 years, polio is on about 30 years now.

    Last topic was “I can’t find any sources!” We looked up the Westboro Baptist Church page, and I’m convinced they’re a hurtful joke that has gone too far. Their picket signs are sick and twisted jokes at best. This just goes to show that celebrities or well known organizations that endorse something can sometimes cause people to be polarized to it. Either all for it or completely averted to it. No one wants to be associated with the WBC so no one would want to support anything they do. Using the Rowan database is a great way to find more useful sources. I honestly forgot all about the Rowan databases, and I already found something to use real quick in class. We need to at least attempt the definition essay, and finding 5 sources, however loosely related to our topic is important. Support of your thesis isn’t necessary. In fact, it’s encouraged that it doesn’t entirely support your thesis.
    I enjoyed class! It was very interesting.


  14. Cindy Crawford has a mole on her left side of her lip, and sees her mirror image as the opposite
    Mirrors flip front to back, not left to right
    Rhetorical questions should be avoided
    Site source: name author or title, direct quote or paraphrase without quotes, attribute what was said to who said


    1. Anonymous, I’ve asked you this more than once, now. Assuming you’re the same student every time, will you please:
      1. Make sure you have a functioning username
      2. Log in to WordPress before you start leaving Notes
      3. Text or email me to let me know who you are

      Until I can connect these Notes with a particular student, you’re Absent.


  15. In the beginning of the class, Professor explained that we should write our notes in a way that if we went back to read them, we would recall the details that made up that conversation. After that, we explored the mirror paradox which explains that mirrors do not flip from left to right but from front to back. There were many pictures of celebrities that showed this paradox. Research is an extremely important part of our white paper and portfolio. Prior to this class, I figured research was just looking up information to prove my point, but I realized it is learning something new and using that to provide efficient information to back up my claims. By changing our search, we can gather more information that pertains to our topic. Using different search words and phrases may take your paper on a different route than you planned, but it will strongly back up your point from an interesting point of view. To find good sources, Campbell library and google scholar are very reliable ways.


    1. This is a beautiful example of notes that reinforce and convey essential concepts discussed in class, PJ. I hope you found writing them an effective way to keep your attention focused on the material.


  16. When we see a picture of ourselves, it is different from how we look in the mirror. When our eyes take in a scene, it is flipped by our brain from being upside down. A mirror does not flip left to right or top to bottom, it flips from front to back. If a person reads from right shoulder to left shoulder, the reflection will be the same as what he/she read. Prof. does not like rhetorical questions. I you are going to use a rhetorical question, you should point out the answer. Polio is down from 99% to 1% and is perpetuated by our own inoculation. Never cite the dictionary. Write an actual essay. The human body creates combatives to cow pox after one shot, but they are able to prevent small pox. We should be nauseated by our first draft. What does it mean to do research?-find something new. Human efforts to eradicate polio are the current cause for polio.

    Flawed mechanics:


    1. Your first drafts are so good that I’ll be surprised (but completely delighted!) if they nauseate you in May, DK9. If they do, you’ll be a very impressive writer indeed. So, please share that news if it’s true.


  17. Contrary to popular belief. Mirrors don’t flip thing from left to right. They actually flip things from front to back.
    It is good to answer a rhetorical question immediately after you ask it.
    Don’t ever include the dictionary in a citation.
    Do the first draft of the definition essay, no matter how rough it is.


  18. Class began by Professor Hodges explaining that good notes are written for a purpose. When we go back to them at a later time, we should be able to tell exactly what that class discussion was about. So, our notes must be very specific. We then went over the mirror paradox with Cindy Crawford and discovered that mirrors don’t flip left to right, but they flip front to back. As far as our white paper goes, an extensive amount of research is essential to accomplishing a good paper. I have had struggles in the past with finding valuable sources, but Professor went over how to narrow our searches down so that we can gather up more information than we would have before editing our search. Even sources that go against your opinion on the topic are valuable, for it shows both sides as well as gives you more ideas to work off of. Overall, a very intense class with lots of valuable information on how to advance our research and studies.


    1. Oh, you’re going to hate me, AO.

      “Class began by Professor Hodges explaining that good notes are written for a purpose. When we go back to them at a later time, we should be able to tell exactly what that class discussion was about.”

      When we go back to them at a later time, our notes can tell us either:
      —1. “What that class discussion was about.” OR
      —2. The new insight I gained from that discussion.

      An example of each:
      —1. We discussed our misconceptions about mirrors
      —2. Despite our preconceptions, mirrors don’t flip images at all.

      Later in your own notes, you demonstrate that you understand precisely what I just took pains to illustrate. Your own notes are replete with specific observations and insights. So all I’ve accomplished with my illustration is to caution you against saying, “what the class discussion WAS ABOUT.”

      Overall, very fine Notes, both valuable to you, I think, and gratifying to me. I’m very glad you found the information valuable.



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