E08: Counterintuitive Predictions

Counterintuitive Predictions

1. True or False. What occurs in the world is not always reasonable, logical, or right. Even so, it might be true. You’ll decide whether the Premises below are True or False.

2. Reasonable or Unreasonable. People act for reasons other than logic; among them sympathy, loyalty, hope, fear, vested interest, greed, and ineptitude. You’ll decide whether the Premises below are Reasonable or Unreasonable.

3. Right or Wrong. Decisions based on logic or reason can be ethical and moral, unethical or immoral. You’ll decide whether the Premises below are Good or Bad, Ethical or Unethical, Moral or Immoral.

Your Predictions

Before hearing about the Mammogram team at Kaiser Permanente Hospital or reading the associated article, respond in three ways to the Premises below.

First: declare whether the statements made appear to be True or False (you could also answer Likely or Unlikely).

Second: declare whether the statements appear to be Reasonable or Unreasonable (or if you prefer: Batshit Crazy, or Not Insane).

Third: Declare the statements’ moral or ethical position to be Good or Bad. (If the statement doesn’t permit a moral judgment, you could still pronounce it a Good thing, or fundamentally Just Wrong.)

Respond in three ways for each Premise.

1. Likely / Batshit Crazy / Bad
2. False / Reasonable / Good
3. Unlikely / Unreasonable / Wrong
4. True / Not Crazy / Right

Of course, in paradise, the Reasonable would always be True and Good, and the Crazy would always be Untrue, and universally recognized as Bad. But we know better, don’t we? At the end of class, return to your predictions. How many of your expectations were met?

The Article

Mammogram Team Learns from its Errors

The Premises

1. Women who find out how many cancers their doctors miss in routine mammograms stop getting mammograms.
2. Radiologists who perform mammograms are held accountable for the accuracy of their readings.
3. A doctor who finds hundreds of tumors in a year and a half, but who misses 10, is almost always fired.
4. Doctors who read only a few mammograms a month are removed from film-reading teams so that they read none at all.
5. Publishing the failure rates of radiologists improves their accuracy to the best the discipline can achieve.
6. The best technique for improving diagnosis accuracy has been adopted by almost no radiology departments.
7. Congress demands that radiologists be held accountable for their accuracy at detecting tumors in mammogram films.
8. The 20,000 US doctors who read breast X-rays are trained to do so; their accuracy is known and tested.
9. The medical profession accepts that, to varying degrees, all doctors make the same mistakes.
10. Doctors who do mammographies follow up with those patients to discover whether their diagnoses were correct.
11. Doctors appreciate knowing whether they missed actual tumors or misread the “shadows and swirls” of a mammogram as a tumor.
12. The “shame” of confronting an incorrect diagnosis is a valuable teaching tool for doctors who diagnose cancers from mammograms.
13. An accuracy rate of 80% in detecting cancers from mammograms is something to brag about.
14. The best doctor to head a radiology department is a squeamish physician who trained as a lawyer and prefers not to deal with patients “and their blood.”
15. Radiology can be tracked well statistically because patients either have tumors or they don’t.
16. When the director of the radiology department discovers a way to improve the accuracy of cancer diagnoses, his method is immediately embraced by hospital administrators.
17. When New York hospitals began to publish their surgeons’ heart surgery successes and failures, the death rate fell by 40%.
18. The falling death rate meant that heart surgeons were doing more careful work.
19. Hospitals that reduce their false diagnoses proudly advertise that they “make 20% fewer errors” than their competitors.
20. Publishing the error rates of mammography radiologists results in an uncertain but significant number of cancer deaths in women who avoid testing.
21. A radiologist who is known to have missed a tumor is likely to have missed a dozen out of 3000 he declared to be tumor-free.
22. Out of those 3000, when 250 were scanned again, and 30 were biopsied, 10 were found to have cancers he had missed.
23. Finding those 10 cancers was reported as a front-page medical scandal instead of a triumph of an enlightened new technique for avoiding missed diagnoses.
24. Many of the 250 women who were told they needed followup were angry.
25. Of the ten whose cancers were missed by the first doctor but discovered in followup screenings, most sued the hospital for malpractice.
26. The doctor who missed the 10 tumors felt he had been treated unfairly, that only 3 of the cancers could be blamed on him, and that his error rate was acceptable.
27. After being fired, he was hired as a fill-in radiologist in five states bordering North Carolina.
28. The radiologists on the terminated doctor’s team supported him, not the hospital, and resent having their work scrutinized and their failure rates published.
29. While some doctors read 14,000 films a year, and others fewer than 500, failure rates are very similar.
30. Doctors who read just 500 films a year get re-assigned to other work since their sample size is too small to determine their accuracy.
31. Doctors who are “fired” from film reading based on low volume are relieved to have the diagnostic responsibility taken from them.
32. Doctors would rather bring a patient back for a second look or a biopsy than miss a tumor.
33. Doctors are much happier to find evidence on the film of a cancer that has “been around for awhile.”
34. Routinely experiencing the shame of missed diagnoses in tests every four months builds confidence in radiologists.
35. Most hospitals send out lists of actual missed tumors or “false negatives” to their radiologists every year so they can study the films they misinterpreted.
36. The Kaiser Permanente department has learned to detect various “presentations” of tumors on film by studying films of actual missed tumors after the fact.
37. In North Carolina, for every two cancers radiologists find, they miss one.
38. If the results at Kaiser Permanente were replicated nationwide, better than 80% of cancers would be found and 10,000 more cancers would be correctly detected each year.
39. False positives are easy to track, but almost nobody tracks false negatives (missed tumors that show up in later mammograms).
40. There is no routine followup for women who, on the basis of their mammograms, are determined to be tumor free.
41. Holding radiologists to a higher standard of competency results in reduced access to quality care.
42. Making failure rates public increases the likelihood of malpractice claims, which in turn drives up insurance rates, which in turn drives good doctors from the field.
43. Having two doctors instead of one review every film improves accuracy and drives down costs.
44. A nationwide 70% effectiveness rate is considered the best that can be achieved practically and politically.
45. Government oversight of physician performance to standardize techniques nationally has actually reduced accuracy.
46. Dr. Adcock, who improved effectiveness in his radiology department by 25%, took himself off the team when his volume dropped.
47. The most conscientious doctors, who agonize over the presence or absence of tumors on every film, are by far the most effective.
48. When they have a choice, women are best served by the doctors who send the largest percentage of women for biopsies because they miss the fewest cancers.
49. The best indicator of whether a doctor is competent to read mammograms is the number of times she’s been sued.
50. A good day for mammograms is Mother’s Day, when many clinics offer free or discounted exams.

The Blind Summary.

When you finish classifying the claims for Truth/Reasonableness/Goodness, in one paragraph, try to summarize the article you have not read. Use the heading “BLIND SUMMARY.”

Missing Summaries

The following students have not posted Replies to Counterintuitive Predictions (the Mammography Exercise) containing Blind Summaries:

31savage / aaspiringwriter  / akayoye  / alfonsemucha  / anonymous  / bluedream1997  / brobeanfarms  / celticpiney26 / childishharambe / collegekid9  / darnell18  / dublin517 / edwardnihlman / jsoccer5  / phillyfan321  / princess272  / saints72  / smokesdabear  / thathawkman  / themelodicpoet  / theshiftyyman  / theshocker69 / wvuhockey 

Failing grades for this exercise are likely unless these delinquencies are cleared promptly.

Author: davidbdale

What should I call you? I prefer David or Dave, but students uncomfortable with first names can call me Professor or Mister Hodges. My ESL students' charming solution, "Mister David" is my favorite by far.

78 thoughts on “E08: Counterintuitive Predictions”

  1. 1. True/ Unreasonable/ wrong
    2. False/ unreasonable/wrong
    3. False/reasonable/ right
    4. False/ unreasonable/wrong
    5. True/ unreasonable/wrong
    6. False/unreasonable/wrong
    7. True/reasonable/right
    8. True/ reasonable/wrong.
    9. True/reasonable/right
    11. False/unreasonable/ right
    12. True/unreasonable/right
    13. true/unreasonable/right
    15. false/unreasonable/wrong
    16. true/reasonable/wrong
    17. false/unreasonable/wrong
    18. true/reasonable/right
    19. False/reasonable/right
    20. true/reasonable/wrong
    22. true/reasonable/wrong
    24. True/ reasonable/ right
    26. true/reasonable/right
    27. true/reasonable/right
    28. false/reasonable/wrong
    29. true/unreasonable/wrong
    30. false/reasonable/wrong
    31. true/reasonable/wrong
    32. true/unreasonable/right
    33. false/reasonable/wrong
    34. true.unreasonable/right
    35. false/reasonable/right
    36. true/reasonable/wrong
    37. false/reasonable/wrong
    38. true/unreasonable/wrong
    39. true/reasonable/right
    40. true/unreasonable/wrong
    41. true/reasonable/wrong
    42. false/unreasonable/wrong
    43. False/reasonable/right
    44. true/reasonable/wrong
    45. true/reasonable/wrong
    47. . false/reasonable/wrong
    48. true/reasonable/right
    49. false/reasonable/wrong
    50. false/reasonable/right


      1. Here is my blind summary. Sorry I did not post it under the comments and put it in a separate post.

        The results of a mammogram are usually accurate, but the results may not be properly analyzed. A false positive can mean that someone will have to go have an unnecessary biopsy and a false negative can mean someone will have breast cancer unnoticed. Not treating breast cancer at an early stage can result in serious health problems. While many women do have regular mammograms, there are still women who end up having later stages of breast cancer due to mistakes in reading the mammogram results.


        1. Your first sentence doesn’t make a lot of sense, but in general you’ve done a good job here of making clear and distinct claims. Taken together, your points combine to argue to a clear purpose: revealing a technical problem with diagnosis that leads to needless illness. Nice job.
          Coded Grade: R


  2. 1. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    2. True/ Reasonable/ right
    3. True/ Unreasonable/ right
    4. False/ Reasonable/ wrong
    5. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    6. False/ unreasonable/ wrong
    7. False/ reasonable/ right
    8. True/ reasonable/ right
    9. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    10. False/ reasonable/ right
    11. False/ unreasonable/ right
    12. True/ unreasonable/ bad
    13. true/ unreasonable/ bad
    14. False/ unreasonable/ bad
    15. True/ unreasonable/ bad
    16. False/ reasonable/ right
    17. False/ unreasonable/ wrong
    18. False/ reasonable/ right
    19. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    20. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    21. False/ reasonable/ wrong
    22. True/ reasonable/ right
    23. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    24. true/ reasonable/ right
    25. True/ reasonable/ right
    26. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    27. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    28. False/ reasonable/ wrong
    29. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    30. True/ unreasonable/ right
    31. True/ reasonable/ right
    32. True/ reasonable/ right
    33. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    34. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    35. False/ reasonable/ right
    36. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    37. True/ reaosnable/ wrong
    38. False/ reasonable/ right
    39. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    40. False/ unreasonable/ wrong
    41. False/ unreasonable/ right
    42. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    43. False/ reasonable/ right
    44. False/ reasonable/ wrong
    45. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    46. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    47. False/ reasonable/ right
    48. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    49. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    50. False/ reasonable/ wrong


    1. Blind Summary
      Women get mammograms everyday, and many are often read correctly however there are some that either get a false negative or false positive. There has also been lots of times where statistics have been posted in regards to the accuracy of mammogram readings, which has left a negative effect on many people. Dr. Adock was a doctor who came up with a way to handle the testing situation at hand, but once his volume dropped he took himself off the team. Some doctors are now seeing repercussions for their poor readings. Many women now choose not to get mammogram tested either because of scary testing results, or statistics posted.


  3. 1. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    2. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    3. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    4. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    5. True/Reasonable/Right
    6. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    7. False/Reasonable/Right
    8. False/Reasonable/Right
    9. True/Reasonable/Right
    10. False/Reasonable/Right
    11. False/Reasonable/Right
    12. True/Reasonable/Right
    13. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    14. False/Reasonable/Wrong
    15. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    16. False/Reasonable/Right
    17. True/Reasonable/Right
    18. True/Reasonable/Right
    19. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    20. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    21. True/Reasonable/Right
    22. True/Reasonable/Right
    23. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    24. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    25. True/Reasonable/Right
    26. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    27. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    28. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    29. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    30. False/Reasonable/Right
    31. False/Unreasonable/Right
    32. False/Reasonable/Right
    33. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    34. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    35. False/Reasonable/Right
    36. True/Reasonable/Right
    37. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    38. True/Reasonable/Right
    39. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    40. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    41. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    42. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    43. True/Reasonable/Right
    44. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    45. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    46. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    47. True/Reasonable/Right
    48. False/Reasonable/Right
    49. False/Reasonable/Wrong
    50. False/Reasonable/Right

    Blind Summary:
    This article is likely about the flaws in the system of detecting breast cancer. Many clinics brag that they have “high” detection rates instead of working to make them better. Techniques to improve accuracy are available but are not being utilized. Doctors who read mammograms are also not being held accountable for their misdiagnoses. If they were, they would likely perform better and be more conscientious about their diagnoses. Instead, women are getting misdiagnosed which causes frustration and leads less women to get screened in the future.


    1. LMJ, this Summary of yours adopts a very clear—a highly opinionated—point of view and presents it concisely and unambiguously. Of all the qualities I most admire in writers of essays, those are the best. I haven’t looked at your 1-50 judgments yet, but I’m very enthusiastic about your Summary.
      Coded Grade: P

      Liked by 1 person

  4. 1. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    2. True/Reasonable/Good
    3. False/Unreasonable/Unethical
    4. True/Unreasonable/Bad
    5. False/Unreasonable/Bad
    6. True/Very Unreasonable/Bad
    7. False/Kind of Reasonable/Good
    8. False/Reasonable/Good
    9. True/Pretty Reasonable/Ethical
    10. False/Unreasonable/Unethical
    11. False/Unreasonable/Unethical
    12. False/Kind of reasonable/Unethical
    13. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    14. False/Completely Unreasonable/Completely Unethical
    15. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    16. False/Both Reasonable and Unreasonable/Ethical
    17. Unlikely/Reasonable/Ethical and Good
    18. Kind of True/Reasonable/Wrong
    19. True/Reasonable/Unethical
    20. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    21. Likely/Reasonable/Bad
    22. Likely/Reasonable/Bad
    23. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    24. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    25. True/Unreasonable/Unethical


    1. 26. True/Reasonable/Bad
      27. True/Reasonable/Good
      28. True/Reasonable/Right
      29. True/Unreasonable/Bad
      30. False/Unreasonable/Bad
      31. True/Reasonable/Unethical
      32. True/Reasonable/Ethical
      33. True/Reasonable/Bad
      34. False/Reasonable/Wrong
      35. False/Reasonable/Ethical
      36. True/Reasonable/Ethical
      37. True/Reasonable/Bad
      38. True/Unreasonable/Ethical
      39. True/Reasonable/Bad
      40. True/Unreasonable/Bad
      41. True/Reasonable/Bad
      42. True/Reasonable/Bad
      43. True/Reasonable/Ethical
      44. True.Reasonable/Unethical
      45. False/Reasonable/Good
      46. False/Unreasonable/Unethical
      47. True/Reasonable/Good
      48. True/Reasonable/Right
      49. False/Reasonable/Wrong
      50. False/Reasonable/Wrong

      Mammograms to say in the very least, are not a fun experience for the woman who is taking it. They are invasive, and in many cases they don’t fulfill their purpose. Mammogram readings are riddled with false negatives and straight up missed tumors. As such, women have been avoiding mammograms as they see no point into taking a test that has such a low purpose of doing it’s job successfully. The job of reading mammograms is, in many ways, as unpleasant as taking one however. Radiologists are under constant scrutiny by hospitals, patients and the government. Those who don’t get to examine many readings are usually put in different positions, making it difficult to find radiologists who have the experience that those mentioned above are looking for. What we need is a system that is both fair to radiologists and patients, as well as one that doesn’t settle for low rates of false/missed positives.


      1. Strong in several ways but sloppy in others, Amazonite. Some grammar problems you can fix if you wish. Three specific small problems: 1.) There’s no difference between a false negative and a missed tumor, 2.) in most hospitals and clinics, there’s very little oversight—and therefore very little pressure; 3) we need a system that encourages a low rate of false positives (or false negatives). Revise right here if you want to, then be sure to use the 2-word phrase to request feedback.
        Coded Grade: Q


  5. 1. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    2. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    3. True/Unreasonable/Right
    4. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    5. True/Reasonable/Right
    6. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    7. True/Reasonable/Right
    8. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    9. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    10. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    11. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    12. True/Unreasonable/Right
    13. False/Reasonable/Wrong
    14. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    15. False/Reasonable/Right
    16. False/Reasonable/Right
    17. True/Reasonable/Right
    18. True/Reasonable/Right
    19. True/Reasonable/Right
    20. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    21. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    22. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    23. True/Unreasonable/Right
    24. True/Reasonable/Right
    25. True/Reasonable/Right
    26. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    27. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    28. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    29. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    30. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    31. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    32. True/Reasonable/Right
    33. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    34. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    35. True/Reasonable/Right
    36. True/Reasonable/Right
    37. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    38. False/Unreasonable/Right
    39. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    40. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    41. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    42. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    43. True/Reasonable/Right
    44. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    45. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    46. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    47. True/Reasonable/Right
    48. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    49. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    50. True/Reasonable/Right

    There is an epidemic of false positives and false negatives among mammogram results. Radiologists at the Kaiser Permanente Hospital, though closely monitored by the government, only have about an 80% rate of accuracy. For those 20% of women, some have false positives, putting them through unnecessary medical and psychological trauma. Some are false negatives, and their cancer grows and possibly kills them before their next mammogram. Publishing these horrific results helps; radiologists perform better when faced with public scrutiny. Not only that, but they are often faced with legal repercussions. However, being sued doesn’t always deter a career- some go back to work almost immediately after they return from court. But weeding out the “bad” doctors hurts everyone, as there are then fewer doctors and less access to care. Overall, radiologists need to be more careful the first time. Then all of this would be avoided.


    1. Belladonna, I assigned you a very difficult task, not only to summarize an article you’ve never read, but to PURPOSEFULLY summarize an article you’ve never read about a topic full of nuance. You can’t possibly have mastered all the details of the topic that would give your summary accuracy. That’s what makes what you’ve accomplished here all the more impressive. You’re marshalling the facts you do have to prove a point, and you’re doing so without hesitation, without qualification, taking no prisoners. Your only quibble is your hesitation to reduce the size of the radiologist pool. A totally enlightened summary would spin that negative into a proposal (a demand, an imperative) for a particular and practical solution. Overall a very impressive piece of analysis.

      Coded Grade: E


  6. 1.True/unreasonable/wrong
    2. Likely/reasonable/wrong
    3. True/reasonable/wrong
    4. Likely/reasonable/right
    5. True/unreasonable/wrong
    6. True/ batshit crazy/bad
    7. Likely/ unreasonable/ wrong
    8. True/ reasonable/ right
    9. Likely/ reasonable/ right
    10. Likely/ reasonable/ logical
    11. Unlikely/ reasonable/ right
    12. True/ not crazy/ logical
    13. Likely/ reasonable/ wrong
    14. Unlikely/ unreasonable/ wrong
    15. Likely/ reasonable/logical
    16. Likely/ reasonable/right
    17. True/ reasonable/ logical
    18. Likely/ reasonable/logical
    19. Likely/reasonable/wrong
    20. Likely/reasonable/bad
    21. Likely/reasonable/ logical
    22. True/ reasonable/logical
    23. Likely/ unreasonable/bad
    24. Likely/ reasonable/right
    25. True/ reasonable/ right
    26. Likely/ reasonable/ bad
    27. Unlikely/ reasonable/wrong
    28. The radiologists on the terminated doctor’s team supported him, not the hospital, and resent having their work scrutinized and their failure rates published.
    29. While some doctors read 14,000 films a year, and others fewer than 500, failure rates are very similar.
    30. Doctors who read just 500 films a year get re-assigned to other work since their sample size is too small to determine their accuracy.
    31. Doctors who are “fired” from film reading based on low volume are relieved to have the diagnostic responsibility taken from them.
    32. Doctors would rather bring a patient back for a second look or a biopsy than miss a tumor.
    33. Doctors are much happier to find evidence on the film of a cancer that has “been around for awhile.”
    34. Routinely experiencing the shame of missed diagnoses in tests every four months builds confidence in radiologists.
    35. Most hospitals send out lists of actual missed tumors or “false negatives” to their radiologists every year so they can study the films they misinterpreted.
    36. The Kaiser Permanente department has learned to detect various “presentations” of tumors on film by studying films of actual missed tumors after the fact.
    37. In North Carolina, for every two cancers radiologists find, they miss one.
    38. If the results at Kaiser Permanente were replicated nationwide, better than 80% of cancers would be found and 10,000 more cancers would be correctly detected each year.
    39. False positives are easy to track, but almost nobody tracks false negatives (missed tumors that show up in later mammograms).
    40. There is no routine followup for women who, on the basis of their mammograms, are determined to be tumor free.
    41. Holding radiologists to a higher standard of competency results in reduced access to quality care.
    42. Making failure rates public increases the likelihood of malpractice claims, which in turn drives up insurance rates, which in turn drives good doctors from the field.
    43. Having two doctors instead of one review every film improves accuracy and drives down costs.
    44. A nationwide 70% effectiveness rate is considered the best that can be achieved practically and politically.
    45. Government oversight of physician performance to standardize techniques nationally has actually reduced accuracy.
    46. Dr. Adcock, who improved effectiveness in his radiology department by 25%, took himself off the team when his volume dropped.
    47. The most conscientious doctors, who agonize over the presence or absence of tumors on every film, are by far the most effective.
    48. When they have a choice, women are best served by the doctors who send the largest percentage of women for biopsies because they miss the fewest cancers.
    49. The best indicator of whether a doctor is competent to read mammograms is the number of times she’s been sued.
    50. A good day for mammograms is Mother’s Day, when many clinics offer free or discounted exams.


  7. 1. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    2. Likely/Reasonable/Right
    3. True/Reasonable/Right
    4. Unlikely/Unreasonable/Wrong
    5. False/Batshit Crazy/Bad
    6. True/Unreasonable/Bad
    7. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    8. True/Reasonable/Right
    9. False/Not crazy/Wrong
    10. True/Reasonable/Right
    11. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    12. True/Reasonable/Right
    14. False/Batshit Crazy/Wrong
    15. True/Reasonable/Good
    16. False/Not crazy/Good
    17. False/Batshit Crazy/Good
    18. True/Reasonable/Good
    19. True/Reasonable/Good
    20. True/Reasonable/Bad
    21. Likely/Unreasonable/Bad
    22. True/Reasonable/Bad
    23. False/Unreasonable/Bad
    24. True/Reasonable/Bad
    25. True/Reasonable/Good
    26. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    27. False/Batshit Crazy/Bad
    28. True/Reasonable/Good
    29. True/Unreasonable/Bad
    30. True/Unreasonable/Good
    31. Likely/Reasonable/Right
    32. True/Reasonable/Right
    33. False/Reasonable/Bad
    34. False/ Batshit Crazy/Wrong
    35. True/Reasonable/Good
    36. True/Reasonable/Good
    37. False/Batshit Crazy/Bad
    38. False/Unreasonable/Bad
    39. True/Unreasonable/Bad
    40. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    41. Not likely/Reasonable/Good
    42. True/Unreasonable/Bad
    43. False/Reasonable/Right
    44. True/Reasonable/Bad
    45. True/Reasonable/Bad
    46. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    47. True/Reasonable/Right
    48. True/Reasonable/Right
    49. True/Not Crazy/Right
    50. False/Batshit Crazy/Good

    Blind Summary

    All women have/will receive mammograms at least once in their lives. Some radiologists can falsely diagnose them but it’s less than likely that it will happen because they go to school for a long time to not have it happen. However, it can happen to a few women that receive a miss diagnoses. Doctors are often the ones that read the film to their patients but some are “fired” from reading the film because of how little they have read in a whole year or on how many false negatives/positives they have conducted. hospitals publish the doctors failure rate to (maybe) help improve the doctors rates or just to say that they know what their doing.


    1. Your summary is very hard to follow, Dragon.

      All women have/will receive mammograms at least once in their lives.
      —This is a wasted claim. If you were to attach it to an evaluation assessment, it would gain importance. For example: Breast cancer kills, and mammograms are our best tool to diagnose it early, so every mammogram is an indispensable opportunity to save a life.

      Some radiologists can falsely diagnose them but it’s less than likely that it will happen because they go to school for a long time to not have it happen.
      —Here, you’re failing to take a position. You could or should be outraged that mammograms are poorly read, leading to false diagnoses. OR you could be sympathetic to well-trained doctors who are doing the best their training has prepared them to do. But you try to do both. Why? You have five sentences to make your point. CHOOSE. MAKE YOUR POINT.

      However, it can happen to a few women that receive a miss diagnoses.
      —What does this mean: “Oh, well”? Are you willing to sacrifice those women to a long bout with cancer that could have been diagnosed early and treated before it metastasized? Of course you’re not. Roll up your sleeves here, Dragon, and take a stand. Defend the women or defend the doctors. You’re allowed to be wrong. You’re not allowed to be neutral.

      Doctors are often the ones that read the film to their patients
      —If by this you mean that the doctors who view and judge the radiology films also communicate the results to the patients, you’re not correct. Radiologists have no patient contact.

      But some are “fired” from reading the film because of how little they have read in a whole year or on how many false negatives/positives they have conducted.
      —What you say is true, but your attitude to the fact is not clear. Do you think they should be fired or not? In a brief summary, you have only so many sentences to make clear your point of view. Do so in every sentence.

      Hospitals publish the [DOCTORS’] failure rate to (maybe) help improve the [DOCTORS’] rates or just to say that they know what [THEY’RE] doing.
      —This sentence does nothing to clarify your point of view, Dragon. Is publishing a good thing or not? What’s more important? The hospital’s understanding about doctor efficiency or the health of patients? If both are crucial, say so, clearly and unambiguously.

      Coded Grade: L


  8. 1) True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    2) True / Reasonable / Wrong
    3) Unlikely / Unreasonable / Good
    4) False / Reasonable / Good
    5) True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    6) False / Unreasonable / Bad
    7) True / Reasonable / Bad
    8) False / Unreasonable / Bad
    9) False / Unreasonable / Good
    10) True / Reasonable / Good
    11) False / Unreasonable / Bad
    12) True / Reasonable / Good
    13) False / Unreasonable / Bad
    14) Unlikely / Unreasonable / Bad
    15) True / Reasonable / Good
    16) Likely / Reasonable / Good
    17) Likely / Reasonable / Bad
    18) Likely / Reasonable / Good
    19) Likely / Reasonable / Bad
    20) Likely / Reasonable / Bad
    21) Likely / Reasonable / Bad
    22) Likely / Reasonable / Bad
    23) Unlikely / Reasonable / Bad
    24) Likely / Reasonable / Bad
    25) Likely / Reasonable / Bad
    26) Likely / Reasonable / Bad
    27) Unlikely / Reasonable / Bad
    28) True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    29) Unlikely / Reasonable / Bad
    30) Likely / Reasonable / Good
    31) Likely / Reasonable / Good
    32) Likely / Reasonable / Good
    33) Unlikely / Unreasonable / Bad
    34) Unlikely / Unreasonable / Bad
    35) Likely / Reasonable / Good
    36) Likely / Reasonable / Good
    37) Likely / Unreasonable / Bad
    38) Unlikely / Unreasonable / Good
    39) Likely / Unreasonable / Bad
    40) Likely / Reasonable / Bad
    41) Unlikely / Unreasonable / Good
    42) Likely / Reasonable / Good
    43) Likely / Reasonable / Good
    44) Unlikely / Unreasonable / Bad
    45) Likely / Unreasonable / Bad
    46) Likely / Unreasonable / Bad
    47) Likely / Reasonable / Good
    48) Likely / Reasonable / Bad
    49) Unlikely / Unreasonable / Bad
    50) Likely / Reasonable / Good

    Blind Summary

    Women with breast cancer will not always get the answers they are looking for. They may go to a doctor and the doctor may tell them they don’t have it when they really do or the doctor may tell them they have it when they really don’t which are both bad but reasonable of happening. Some say that at certain places, only about 80% of all tests are read correctly and 20% are given false information. Because of false information given and pressure or lawsuits get put on doctors for not reading them right, the doctors are starting to perform at a better level knowing its on their readings to save a life. There are some doctors who do not have the right training and should not be doing the job. Just because they are doctors and more sounds better, in contrast, less doctors who know more about what is happening in the imaging is a better strategy. Doctors need to be trained to have the best look at first so they do not give out wrong information causing more tests.


    1. Tiggs, let me offer some rhetorical advice since you’re sabotaging your own good work on your Blind Summary needlessly.

      The best claims combine a fact with a consequence to make an ethical judgment. You flirt with this possibility in your first two sentences, but fail to capitalize on the opportunity. You say:

      Women with breast cancer will not always get the answers they are looking for. They may go to a doctor and the doctor may tell them they don’t have it when they really do or the doctor may tell them they have it when they really don’t which are both bad but reasonable of happening.

      THE FACT: Some patients get false positives; others, false negatives.
      THE CONSEQUENCE: Both are bad.
      YOUR ETHICAL OBJECTION: None stated.
      ADDITIONAL TACTICAL ERROR: You start by speaking for “women with breast cancer,” but your second sentence attempts to speak also for “false positives,” which are women without breast cancer.
      THE RESULT: You waste your first two sentences by advancing no particular argument. Every word of a Purposeful Summary develops a particular opinionated point of view. Also, you confuse your readers about who you’re advocating for: cancer victims or false diagnosis victims.


      Mammograms are not accurate. They deceive women with cancer into believing they’re healthy. Less tragically, they falsely diagnose tumors where there are none. Neither outcome is acceptable.

      If you can adopt an attitude that unambiguous, you’ll be well on your way to achieving the confidence necessary for a good essay. I strenuously advise you to stop “trying to see things both ways,” if that’s what you’re doing. Deliberate ambiguity is just as bad as unintentional ambiguity. Don’t quibble. Acknowledge uncertainty where it exists, but wherever choices can be made, MAKE THEM.

      Coded Grade: J


  9. 1.) True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    2.) False/Reasonable/Right
    4.) True/Reasonable/Right
    5.) True/Reasonable/Wrong
    6.) False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    7.) True/Reasonable/Right
    8.) False/ Reasonable/ Right
    9.) False/ Reasonable/ Wrong
    10.) False/ Reasonable/ Right
    11.) True/ Reasonable/ Right
    12.)False/ Reasonable/ good
    13.) True/Reasonable/Bad (could be better)
    14.) Possibly/Reasonable/bad
    15.) False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    16.) Possible/ Reasonable/ Right
    17.) True/ Reasonable/ good
    18.) False/ Reasonable/ right
    19.) True/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    20.) True/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    21.) True/ Reasonable/ wrong
    22.) True/ Reasonable/ Bad
    23.) True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    24.) True/ Reasonable/ Bad
    25.) Possible/ Reasonable/ bad
    26.) True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    27.) True/ Reasonable/Bad
    28.) True/ Unreasonable/ wrong
    29.) True/ unreasonable/ Wrong
    30.) False/reasonable/right
    31.) False/ unreasonable/ bad
    32.) False/ Reasonable/ good
    33.) False/ unreasonable/ bad
    34.)False/ unreasonable/ bad
    35.) True/ reasonable/ good
    36.) True/ Reasonable/ good
    37.) False/ unreasonable/ bad
    38.) True/ reasonable/ Good
    39.) True/ Unreasonable/bad
    40.) True/ unreasonable/ Bad
    41.) False/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    42.) True/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    43.) False/ Unreasonable/ good
    44.) False/ Unreasonable/ bad
    45.) Unlikely/ unreasonable/ bad
    46.) Likely/ Reasonable/ bad
    47.) Likely/ reasonable/ Right
    48.) True/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    49.) False/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    50.) False/ Reasonable/ good

    Blind Summary:

    Mammograms are an important factor in feminine health, especially as women get older. That being said, a fair amount of women do not have these important tests performed, for a multitude of reasons ranging from cost and convenience to discomfort and disbelief. The disbelief comes from the sorry fact that not all mammogram results are accurate. Annually, there is a fair amount of both false negatives and false positives. Only recently, have the statistics revolving around a doctor’s accuracy in detecting tumors, been released, much to the doctor’s dismay. This practice may lead to better standards as doctor’s try to improve their statistics, but it can also have some adverse effects. Higher insurance rates from malpractice suits, and distrust in mammograms can all result. All in all, exposing the rates in which Doctor’s diagnose based on mammograms is a risky game, meant to be helpful but may actually be a hindrance to the medical field.


    1. That’s a very thoughtful and thorough summary, Dublin. It does much more than simply reveal facts about the complicated business of finding very early evidence of tumors. It places those difficulties into ethical and practical contexts; that is the essence of purposeful summary. Very nice work, EVEN IF after reading the article you decide you were completely wrong about the judgments you’ve made. Nothing will reverse the quality of the good work you’ve done digesting and crystallizing these premises.

      Now for some pesky grammar errors you need to fix in the next few weeks and NEVER make again. In the following sentences, I have corrected your errors in CAPITALS.

      —That being said, a fair NUMBER of women do not have these important tests performed.
      —Annually, there is a fair NUMBER of both false negatives and false positives.
      —Only recently, have the statistics revolving around DOCTORS’ accuracy in detecting tumors, been released, much to the DOCTORS’ dismay.
      —This practice may lead to better standards as DOCTORS try to improve their statistics.
      —All in all, exposing the rates AT which DOCTORS diagnose [CANCER] based on mammograms is a risky game.

      Any questions?


  10. 1. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    2. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    3. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    33.False/Unreasonable/Wrong (means it wasn’t detected before hand which is BAD)
    36. True/Reasonable/Right

    The article is most likely about the failure of detection of tumors by doctors who should be trained to determine whether a person has a tumor or not. Since, there was mentions of posting failure rates in hospitals or the like, the article must mention the effects on doctors who read the films of mammograms. There was most likely a negative reaction to having the posts (Ex. doctors may feel “shamed”), and not just the doctors but also patients. Patients, usually women, who see the posts would be distrusting of the mammograms and would later on not even get checked up because they believed the mammograms are ineffective and not worth the pain and money. Doctors and institutions have been working on ways to increase correct detections and their developments have greatly improved this field.


    1. Scarlett, I honor and appreciate your judicious tone; however, the fact that I instructed you to summarize an article you’ve never read COMPLETELY exonerates you from any responsibility to be accurate or fair. Your reading of the premises I’ve presented provides you with plenty of material to form a specific (if inaccurate, even completely wrong) point of view. For this assignment, YOU CANNOT BE WRONG (except by equivocating or being ambiguous). Please appreciate your liberation. For grade improvement, eliminate all the qualifications from your first draft and state, as clearly and unambiguously as you can, your righteous and impassioned reaction to the article you haven’t read.

      Provisional Coded Grade: L


        The article is about the failure of the detection of tumors by doctors who should be trained to determine whether a person has a tumor or not. Failure rates of doctors who read the films of mammograms have been posted in hospitals for all doctors and patients to see. This caused negative reactions in doctors and patients alike. Doctors began to feel shamed and was led to quitting or changing their work. Patients, usually women, became distrusting of mammograms and their doctors and chose to not get checked up at all since the test was ineffective and wasn’t worth the pain and money. However, to improve this medical field doctors and institutions have been working on ways to increase the correct detections. Through these new methods, such as the assignment of proficient doctors and careful study of each mammogram based on previous mammograms, tumor detection has greatly improved.


  11. 1. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    2. True / Reasonable / Good
    3. Unlikely / Unreasonable / Wrong
    4. Unlikely / Unreasonable / Wrong
    5. Likely / Not Crazy / Right
    6. False / Unreasonable / Wrong
    7. Likely / Reasonable / Good
    8. True / Not Crazy / Good
    9. True / Likely / Good
    10. True / Likely / Good
    11. Likely / Reasonable / Good
    12. True / Reasonable / Good
    13. True / Likely / Good
    14. False / Unreasonable / Bad
    15. Unlikely / Reasonable / Wrong
    16. False/ Unreasonable/ Right
    17. True / Reasonable / Right
    18. True / Reasonable / Right
    19. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    20. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    21. Likely / Reasonable / Good
    22. True / Reasonable / Right
    23. Likely / Unreasonable / Wrong
    24. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    25. Likely / Reasonable / Right
    26. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    27. Likely / Unreasonable / Wrong
    28. True / Reasonable / Wrong
    29. False / Unreasonable / Wrong
    30. False / Reasonable / Right
    31. Unlikely / Unreasonable / Right
    32. False / Reasonable / Right
    33. Unlikely / Unreasonable/Wrong
    34. False / Unreasonable / Wrong
    35. False / Reasonable / Right
    36. True / Reasonable / Right
    37. Likely / Unreasonable / Wrong
    38. True / Reasonable / Right
    39. Likely / Unreasonable / Wrong
    40. True / Reasonable / Wrong
    41. Likely / Unreasonable / Wrong
    42. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    43. True / Reasonable /Right
    44. False / Unreasonable / Wrong
    45. Unlikely / Unreasonable / Wrong
    46. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    47. True / Reasonable / Right
    48. False / Reasonable /Right
    49. Unlikely / Reasonable / Wrong
    50. Likely / Reasonable / Good


      1. I wasn’t able to finish it on it’s due date. I was only able to finish the 50 statements. I am about to complete the Blind Summary assignment now. Where should I post it?


          1. The accuracy rate of doctors and radiologists who preform mammograms is expected to be high. There are no exceptions for incorrect false negative mammogram results. When dealing with a illness that is as serious as breast cancer, it is vitally important for doctors to produce correct results. Missing tumors will result in possible spreading of the tumors or even death of the patient. With a high accuracy rate there will be a better chance for the patient’s to beat breast cancer.


  12. 1) True/ unreasonable/ right
    2) True/ Reasonable/ wrong
    3)True/ Unreasonable / right
    4)Wrong / reasonable / right
    5)True / reasonable / true
    6) wrong/reasonable/ right
    7) True/reasonable/wrong
    8) wrong/ unreasonable/ true
    9) right/reasonable/wrong
    10) wrong/reasonable/true
    11)Right/ reasonably/wrong
    13) true/unreasonable/true
    14) false/unreasonable/true
    15)right/ reasonable/right
    16)Right/unreasonable/ wrong
    17)wrong/ unreasonable/ wrong
    18)wrong/ reasonable/ right
    19)True/ reasonable/ wrong
    21)wrong/ reasonable/ wrong
    22)True/ reasonable/ right
    23)True/ unreasonable/ right
    24)True/ reasonable/ right
    25)True/ reasonable/ right
    26)True/ unreasonable/ right
    27) True/ reasonable/ wrong
    28)False/ reasonable/ right
    29)True/ reasonable/ wrong
    30)True/ reasonable/ right
    31)False/ reasonable/ right
    34) False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    45)False/ unreasonable/right
    46)True /reasonable / wrong


  13. 1. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    2. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    3. True/Unreasonable/Right
    5. True/unreasonable/wrong
    6. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    7. True/Reasonable/Right
    8. True/Reasonable/Right
    9. True/unreasonable/Wrong
    10. False/Reasonable/Right
    11. False/Reasonable/Right
    12. True/Unreasonable/Right
    13. False/unreasonable/Wrong
    14. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    15. False/Reasonable/Wrong
    17. False/ Reasonable/ Wrong
    19. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    29. False/Reasonable/Wrong
    31. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    32. True/Reasonable/Right
    33. False/Reasonable/Wrong
    36. True/Reasonable/Right
    37. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    41. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    43. False/Reasonable/Right
    44. False/Unreasonable/Right
    48. True/Reasonable/Right
    50. True/Reasonable/Right

    This article examines the faults in breast cancer screening and how its results can be easily misconstrued. A nationwide 70% effectiveness rate is considered the utmost potential that a doctor could reach practically and politically, which is morally wrong. Doctors should always strive to be the best at their occupation and never limit their potential, especially at 70%. If doctors received more training and were more conscientious of their readings there would be no flaws in the system. Radiologists should acquire a certain level of experience before reading breast scans to avoid a future screening as a result of their mistake.


  14. 1. True/unreasonable/wrong
    2. True/unreasonable/wrong
    3. False/ Reasonable/ right
    4. True/ reasonable/ right
    5. False/ reasonable/ wrong
    6. False/ Reasonable/ Bad
    7. True/ Reasonable/ Right
    8. False/ Reasonable/ Bad
    9. True/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    10. True/ Reasonable/ Right
    11. False/ Reasonable/ Right
    12. True/ Reasonable/ Right
    13. False/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    14. False/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    15. False/ Reasonable/ Wrong
    16. False/ Unreasonable/ Right
    17. True/ Reasonable/ Right
    18. True/ Unreasonable/ Right
    19. True/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    20. False/ Reasonable/ Wrong
    21. False/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    22. True/ Reasonable/ Wrong
    23. True/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    24. True/ Reasonable/ Good
    25. True/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    26. Likely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    27. Unlikely/ Reasonable/ Good
    28. True/ Reasonable/ Bad
    29. True/ Reasonable/ Wrong
    30. True/ Reasonable/ Right
    31. False/ Reasonable/ Right
    32. True/ Reasonable/ Right
    33. False/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    34. False/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    35. True/ Reasonable/ Right
    36. True/ Reasonable/ Right
    37. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    38. Likely/ Unreasonable/ Good
    39. True/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    40. False/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    41. True/ Reasonable/ Good
    42. True/ Reasonable/ Bad
    43. True/ Reasonable/ Good
    44. True/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    45. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    46. True/ Reasonable/ Good
    47. True/ Reasonable/ Good
    48. False/ Reasonable/ Good
    49. False/ Reasonable/ Bad
    50. True/ Reasonable/ Good

    There is a huge issue today within the Radiologist community among the accuracy of their read mammograms. Some read false positives and some read false negatives. The Radiologist Department at the Kaiser Permanente Hospital is closely monitored by the Government. Their success rate is at 80% People claim this to be good however, the other 20% of women are either given false positive or false negative reports. False positives puts them through unnecessary treatment and costs them money while false positives are worse and makes them believe they are okay when in reality they actually do have a tumor. When this happens people begin to sue for malpractice. The plan then is to post the accuracy resulted and shine the spotlight on these doctors. The though process is to put them under the public eye and with pressure they should preform better. Over time the department can realize who is least qualified for the job. However the loss of so many essentially good overall doctors can hurt the business as well.The best way to fix this is to force a second appointment for check-up. It is always good to make sure then to be wrong.


    1. Yankee, never waste even one sentence telling readers what you think is an important topic. They don’t care in the least what you think is important. Instead, let them decide in the first sentence for themselves that the news you have to deliver is crucial. For example:

      Women with active, life-threatening tumors, who go to the trouble to have mammograms, are routinely being sent home thinking they don’t have cancer.

      Compare that with:

      There is a huge issue today within the Radiologist community among the accuracy of their read mammograms.

      Of the two, which one is more likely to compel you to read Sentence #2?

      I could say much more, but for you, Yankee, I think this small bit of advice will suffice. I trust you’ll recognize its transformative value and use it to revise your entire Blind Summary to more effectively argue your particular point of view.



  15. 1. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    2. False/Reasonable/Wrong
    3. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    4. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    5. True/Unreasonable/Right
    6. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    7. True/Reasonable/Right
    8. True/Reasonable/Right
    9. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    10. False/Reasonable/Wrong
    11. True/Reasonable/Right
    12. True/Reasonable/Right
    13. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    14. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    15. True/Reasonable/Right
    16. False/Reasonable/Right
    17. True/Reasonable/Right
    18. True/Reasonable/Right
    19. True/Reasonable/True
    20. False/Reasonable/Wrong
    21. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    22. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    23. True/Reasonable/Right
    24. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    25. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    26. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    27. True/Unreasonable/Right
    28. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    29. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    30. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    31. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    32. True/Reasonable/Right
    33. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    34. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    35. False/Reasonable/Right
    36. True/Reasonable/Right
    37. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    38. True/Reasonable/Right
    39. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    40. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    41. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    42. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    43. True/Reasonable/Right
    44. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    45. False/Unreasonable/Right
    46. True/unreasonable/Right
    47. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    48. True/Reasonable/Right
    49. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    50. True/Unreasonable/False

    It is scary how easily a mammogram can be viewed wrong. It is frustrating to women all over our nation. The 20% of women who has false results deserve to know if they have a tumor or not is extremely important and should be taken seriously. Doctors who give false results are not being held accountable. If they were, then maybe they would become more cautious, and make sure their practice is perfect. Having an accuracy rate lower than about 95%, means that our doctors and hospitals need to figure out a way to improve their work. This is something that doctors can be sued for, so they should focus on becoming more accurate. When failed to do so, women often die because there was an unknown tumor in their breast. Doctors should strive to be perfect, then these issues wouldn’t happen.


    1. It is scary how easily a mammogram can be viewed wrong. It is frustrating to women all over our nation. The 20% of women who has false results deserve to know if they have a tumor or not is extremely important and should be taken seriously. Doctors who give false results are not being held accountable. If they were, then maybe they would become more cautious, and make sure their practice is perfect. Having an accuracy rate lower than about 95%, means that our doctors and hospitals need to figure out a way to improve their work. This is something that doctors can be sued for, so they should focus on becoming more accurate. When failed to do so, women often die because there was an unknown tumor in their breast. Doctors should strive to be perfect, then these issues wouldn’t happen.

      I’m impressed by your indignant tone, Beyonce. You make clear from the first sentence that you’re hunting bear, the essence of a Purposeful Summary.

      I suppose there’s no way to tell from the premises you read that radiology technology is simply not sophisticated enough to permit even the most skilled and conscientious practitioners to be “right” more than about 80% of the time. You’re right to insist on their best effort, but not to demand perfection.

      There’s a better grade available if you can find and fix the grammar and structure errors I’ve highlighted.


      1. It is scary how easily a mammogram can be viewed wrong. It is frustrating to women all over our nation. 20% of women who have been filed under having false results on their mammogram deserve to know if they have a tumor or if they don’t. This is extremely important and should be taken seriously. Doctors who give false results are not being held accountable. If they were, then maybe they would become more cautious, and make sure their practice is is the best it could be for their patients. Having an accuracy rate lower than about 95%, means that our doctors and hospitals need to figure out a way to improve their work. This is something that doctors can be sued for, so they should focus on becoming more accurate. When doctors fail to be has accurate as they can, women often die because there was an unknown tumor in their breast. Doctors should strive to be as perfect as possible, then these issues wouldn’t happen.


        1. This post could be further improved, Beyonce, but for a brief, in-class, one-off assignment, it’s as good as it needs to be. I’m impressed that you took the time to correct the grammar errors. I hope this means you’re alert to similar problems and will avoid them in the future.
          Coded Grade after Corrections: M


  16. 1. True/Unreasonable/Bad
    2. Unlikely/Reasonable/Right
    3. Likely/Reasonable/Right
    4. Unlikely/Reasonable/Good
    5. Likely/Reasonable/Wrong
    6. Likely/Unreasonable/Bad
    7. Unlikely/Reasonable/Right
    8. Likely/Reasonable/Right
    9. Likely/Reasonable/Right
    10. Unlikely/Reasonable/Good
    11. Unlikely/Reasonable/Good
    12. True/Reasonable/Right
    13. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    14. False/Unreasonable/Bad
    15. False/Reasonable
    16. Likely/Reasonable/Good
    17. Likely/Reasonable/Good
    18. True/Reasonable/Good
    19. True/Reasonable
    20. True/Reasonable/Bad
    21. True/Reasonable/Bad
    22. True/Reasonable/Bad
    23. Likely/Reasonable/Bad
    24. Likely/Unreasonable/Wrong
    25. Likely/Unreasonable/Bad
    26. Likely/Unreasonable/Wrong
    27. False/Reasonable/Good
    28. Likely/Reasonable/Right
    29. Unlikely/Reasonable/Bad
    30. Likely/Reasonable/Good
    31. True/Reasonable/Bad
    32. True/Reasonable/Right
    33. Unlikely/Unreasonable
    34. Unlikely/Unreasonable/Bad
    35. Unlikely/Reasonable/Good
    36. Likely/Reasonable/Right
    37. True/Reasonable/Bad
    38. False/Unreasonable/Good
    39. Likely/Unreasonable/Bad
    40. True/Unreasonable/Bad
    41. False/Unreasonable/Bad
    42. False/Unreasonable/Bad
    43. True/Reasonable/Good
    44. True/Unreasonable/Bad
    45. Likely/Reasonable/Bad
    46. Unlikely/Reasonable/Right
    47. True/Reasonable/Right
    48. Likely/Reasonable/Good
    49. False/Unreasonable/Bad
    50. True/Reasonable/Good

    Blind Summary
    All over America, there’s an alarmingly high rate of false diagnoses when it comes to mammograms. This can happen because the radiologist reading the scan isn’t as experienced or as careful as they should be. This lack of consistency and accuracy had made many women question why they should even go to the trouble or getting a mammogram if the doctors aren’t likely to diagnose them properly to begin with. This is, of course, a very bad idea. It’s better to have even a bad pair of eyes examine the scans than no eyes at all. To incentivize the doctors to be more careful and accurate when examining the results, many hospitals now track and post the rate of accuracy for each doctor. Many were quick to question whether this will do more harm than good.


    1. All over America, there’s an alarmingly high rate of false diagnoses when it comes to mammograms. This can happen because the radiologist reading the scan isn’t as experienced or as careful as they should be. This lack of consistency and accuracy had made many women question why they should even go to the trouble or getting a mammogram if the doctors aren’t likely to diagnose them properly to begin with. This is, of course, a very bad idea. It’s better to have even a bad pair of eyes examine the scans than no eyes at all. To incentivize the doctors to be more careful and accurate when examining the results, many hospitals now track and post the rate of accuracy for each doctor. Many were quick to question whether this will do more harm than good.

      You’ve produced a thoughtful analysis, Prof. In just one paragraph, you’ve managed to identify a problem, its cause, its solution, and the counterintuitive resistance to the solution. Bravo.

      Now some style notes.

      All over America, an alarmingly high number of mammograms result in false diagnoses.

      EITHER: This can happen because the radiologist reading the scan isn’t as experienced or as careful as SHE should be.
      OR: This can happen because the RADIOLOGISTS reading the SCANS AREN’T as experienced or as careful as they should be.

      This lack of consistency and accuracy HAS made many women question why they should even go to the trouble or getting a mammogram if the doctors aren’t likely to diagnose them properly to begin with.

      Your clauses and sentences begin with:
      —There is
      —it comes
      —This can happen
      —This lack
      —This is,
      —It’s better

      Of course, you’re producing a casual comment here, not a polished essay, but being alert to these repetitious and weak openings will help you avoid them even in early drafts.



  17. 1. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    2. True/Reasonable/right
    3. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    4. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    5. True/Unreasonable/Right
    6. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    7. True/Reasonable/Right
    8. True/Reasonable/Right
    9. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    10. False/Reasonable/Wrong
    11. True/Reasonable/Right
    12. True/Reasonable/Right
    13. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    14. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    15. True/Reasonable/Right
    16. False/Reasonable/Right
    17. True/Reasonable/Right
    18. True/Reasonable/Right
    19. True/Reasonable/True
    20. False/Reasonable/Wrong
    21. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    22. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    23. True/Reasonable/Right
    24. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    25. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    26. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    27. True/Unreasonable/Right
    28. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    29. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    30. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    31. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    32. True/Reasonable/Right
    33. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    34. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    35. False/Reasonable/Right
    36. True/Reasonable/Right
    37. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    38. True/Reasonable/Right
    39. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    40. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    41. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    42. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    43. True/Reasonable/Right
    44. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    45. False/Unreasonable/Right
    46. True/unreasonable/Right
    47. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    48. True/Reasonable/Right
    49. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    50. True/Unreasonable/False

    Blind summary :
    This article will likely be talking about breast cancer, but mainly focus on weather or not radiologist reading the scan will show accurate results when determining weather or not if the patient have breast cancer. The lack of 100% percent result make women determine and scared because some times the scan might be wrong. Doctors need to start being more aware and more careful when telling the women their results.


  18. That’s interesting, JuniorGirl. Did you get the impression that doctors were being insensitive? There’s a built-in communication problem when the best radiology departments can only manage 80% accuracy in reading films for tumors, I guess. 20% of the time, at best, the hospitals are “mis-communicating” when they deliver the results, no matter how diplomatically they handle their patients.

    Some grammar (usage) errors I must correct for you, in CAPITALS.
    This article will likely be talking about breast cancer, but mainly focus on WHETHER or not radiologist reading the scan will show accurate results when determining WHETHER or not [DELETE TWO WORDS] PATIENTS have breast cancer. The lack of 100% percent ACCURACY MAKES women DISTRUSTFUL? and scared because SOMETIMES the scan might be wrong. Doctors need to start being more aware and more careful when telling the women their results.


      1. Of course you may, JuniorGirl. Cut and paste your Blind Summary below and make changes. Then use the two-word phrase we all know and love to request additional feedback. Otherwise, I won’t see your request.

        Coded Grade before Rewrite: K


  19. 1. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    2. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    3. False/Unreasonable/Right
    4. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    5. True/Reasonable/Right
    6. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    7. True/Reasonable/Right
    8. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    9. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    10. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    11. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    12. True/Unreasonable/Right
    13. False/Reasonable/Wrong
    14. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    15. False/Reasonable/Right
    16. False/Reasonable/Right
    17. True/Reasonable/Right
    18. True/Reasonable/Right
    19. True/Reasonable/Right
    20. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    21. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    22. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    23. True/Unreasonable/Right
    24. True/Reasonable/Right
    25. True/Reasonable/Right
    26. False/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    27. True/ Reasonable/ Good
    28.True/ Reasonable/ Bad
    29.True/ Reasonable/ Wrong
    30.True/ Reasonable/ Right
    31.False/ Reasonable/ Right
    32.True/ Reasonable/ Right
    33.False/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    34.False/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    35.True/ Reasonable/ Right
    36. True/Reasonable/Right
    37. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    38. True/Reasonable/Right
    39. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    40. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    41. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    42. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    43. True/Reasonable/Right
    44. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    45. False/Unreasonable/Right
    46. True/unreasonable/Right
    47. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    48. True/Reasonable/Right
    49. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    50. True/Unreasonable/False

    The article is basically talking about of how doctors misread mammograms, there has been many cases of inaccurate information that doctors are given to women. Now, as time goes by we see this issue and seems to recurrence. Now, women are afraid to go to the doctors because they cannot get trustworthy information. When we talk about doctors who save lives, we think them as heros. These doctors are becoming more of a anti hero. I have question for doctors, you spend the time working hard and paying attention to get to your degree for your profession, however when it comes to do your job there is lack of performance. Why is this? Is it because you have the status of “Dr” you can do ever you want. The solution of this issue is doctors should have more training to read mammograms, until they can do so. Both parties will be accepting each other as results improve.


    1. YeezyGod, please don’t tell me what an article “talks about.” In fact, don’t mention “the article” at all. Write your summary as if you were the original author condensing his work into a single paragraph. If that were the case, you’d say:

      Tragically, because doctors so often misread mammograms. women are reluctant to get them.

      This one sentence replaces your first three sentences, makes two unequivocal claims, and clarifies your opinion on the subject.

      You’re much more confrontational in your later sentences, but by then you’ve abandoned your responsibility to (while voicing your opinion) summarize the content of the article you never read.

      I grant you this is a complicated assignment, but does my little model help you pattern a good revision of your first effort?

      Coded Grade: K


  20. 1. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    2. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    3. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    4. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    6. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    8. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    9. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    10. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    11. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    12. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    13. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    14. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    15. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    16. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    17. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    18. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    19. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    20. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    21. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    22. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    23. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    24. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    25. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    26. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    27. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    28. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    29. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    30. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    31. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    32. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    33. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    34. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    35. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    36. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    37. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    38. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    39. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    40. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    41. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    42. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    43. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    44. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    45. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    46. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    47. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    48. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    49. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    50. True/Reasonable/Ethical


      1. After reading this we can tell that doctors take the proper precautions when performing mammograms on women. These doctors notify them with their results and tell them if a follow up is needed to make sure that their original diagnosis was correct. The patients visits are constantly checked to track any changes that may have shown up on their tests. Doctors constantly analyze past screenings to improve their knowledge about cancerous tumors. They strive for the best and want to make sure that all their conclusions are correct. Doctors are always striving for to new ways to improve the accuracy or their screenings curacies and are always open to new ideas. With every advantage to successful screenings, there are some disadvantages that may come up. Radiologists have it hard when they fail to identify tumors on multiple mammograms. They are held accountable and may be taken off their job for a certain amount of time. In some cases, doctors have been laid off/fired for constant lack of accuracy. This lack of accuracy has caused some radiologists to be sued for their wrongdoing by the women whose tumors were missed/missed diagnosed.


        1. Not bad, CollegeKid. You seem to have missed the essential point that all this scrutiny, followup, double-checking, and accountability IS NOT the norm in the industry, but instead is an anomaly instituted by Dr. Adcock. You describe his program pretty well, but it’s certainly not commonplace.
          Coded Grade: X


  21. 1. Unlikely/ Reasonable/ Good
    2. Unlikely/ Reasonable/ Good
    3. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    4. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    5. Unlikely/ Reasonable/ Good
    6. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    7. Unlikely/ Reasonable/ Good
    8. Unlikely/ Reasonable/ Good
    9. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Good
    10. Unlikely/ Reasonable/ Good
    11. Unlikely/ Reasonable/ Good
    12. Likely/ Reasonable/ Good
    13. Likely/ Reasonable/ Good
    14. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    15. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    16. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Good
    17. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Good
    18. Unlikely/ Reasonable/ Good
    19. Likely/ Unreasonable/ Good
    20. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    21. Likely/ Reasonable/ Bad
    22. Likely/ Reasonable/ Bad
    23. Likely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    24. Likely/ Reasonable/ Bad
    25. Likely/ Reasonable/ Good
    26. Likely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    27. Likely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    28. Likely/ Reasonable/ Good
    29. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    30.Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    31. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    32. Likely/ Reasonable/ Good
    33. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    34. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    35. Unlikely/ Reasonable/ Good
    36. Likely/ Reasonable/ Good
    37. Likely/ Reasonable/ Bad
    38. Unlikely/ Reasonable/ Good
    39. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    40.Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Good
    41. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    42. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    43. Unlikely/ Reasonable/ Good
    44. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Good
    45. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Good
    46. Unlikely/ Reasonable/ Good
    47. Likely/ Reasonable/ Good
    48. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Good
    49. Likely/ Reasonable/ Good
    50. Likely/ Reasonable/ Good

    Blind Summary
    After performing mammograms on women, doctors not only inform them of the results but also follow up with them to ensure that they were correctly diagnosed. The diagnosis and follow up are tracked and statistically analyzed to identify any trends, and improve both training and future diagnoses. Doctors are very conscientious, and in turn, very effective, as they constantly agonize to ensure the proper diagnosis is provided based on every mammography film that is examined. If an individual doctor discovers a way to improve the accuracy of cancer diagnoses, their method is immediately embraced by the radiology community. When one of these radiologists fails to identify malign tumors in multiple mammograms, they are held accountable for their lack of accuracy as directed by Congress. Unfortunately, many radiologists will regularly misdiagnose without much concern for the patient. The government does not place much oversight on the performance of each doctor, who is not held accountable for their mistakes as they ought to be. In the rare cases in which a doctor is fired over their lack of accuracy, there is a chance that they will be rehired as a fill-in radiologist in some border state, where their past records will be unheard of. In the US, it is unfortunately common for radiologists to be sued for malpractice by women whose tumors were missed. Steps need to be taken in order to prevent women from falling victim to unscrupulous doctors, including mandating that their performance records be accessible to the public.


    1. This is brilliant, SBD, in everything but its factual accuracy, which is not at all your fault. You met the challenge of the assignment beautifully. You do, however, make the same grammar mistake over and again, one that would fail your portfolio: Your subjects, verbs, and pronouns disagree in number. Someday the problem will be resolved, but until that day, in academic writing, we’re not permitted to use THEY, THEM, and THEIR to refer to single individuals. You make the mistake in four sentences. The best solution—ALWAYS—is to use plurals, which avoid gender in addition to simplifying the agreement process.

      Fix these for your grade upgrade:
      1. If an individual doctor discovers a way to improve the accuracy of cancer diagnoses, their method is immediately embraced by the radiology community.
      2. When one of these radiologists fails to identify malign tumors in multiple mammograms, they are held accountable for their lack of accuracy as directed by Congress.
      3. The government does not place much oversight on the performance of each doctor, who is not held accountable for their mistakes as they ought to be.
      4. In the rare cases in which a doctor is fired over their lack of accuracy, there is a chance that they will be rehired as a fill-in radiologist in some border state, where their past records will be unheard of.

      Provisional Coded Grade before Corrections: O
      Coded Grade following corrections: N


      1. I have made the necessary adjustments to the sentences that you have mentioned. I am not sure how I can alter one of my previous comments, so I ended up copying and pasting the paragraph into this reply. Thank you for the advice on how to deal with the pronoun problem.

        After performing mammograms on women, doctors not only inform them of the results but also follow up with them to ensure that they were correctly diagnosed. The diagnosis and follow up are tracked and statistically analyzed to identify any trends, and improve both training and future diagnoses. Doctors are very conscientious, and in turn, very effective, as they constantly agonize to ensure the proper diagnosis is provided based on every mammography film that is examined. If doctors discover ways to improve the accuracy of cancer diagnoses, their methods are immediately embraced by the radiology community. When radiologists fail to identify malign tumors in multiple mammograms, they are held accountable for their lack of accuracy as directed by Congress. Unfortunately, many radiologists will regularly misdiagnose without much concern for the patient. The government does not place much oversight on the doctors’ performances, resulting in them not being held accountable for their mistakes as they ought to be. In the rare cases in which doctors are fired over their lack of accuracy, they may later be rehired as fill-in radiologists in some random border state, where their past records will be unheard of. In the US, it is unfortunately common for radiologists to be sued for malpractice by women whose tumors were missed. Steps need to be taken in order to prevent women from falling victim to unscrupulous doctors, including mandating that their performance records be accessible to the public.


  22. 1. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    2. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    3. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    4. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    5. True/Reasonable/Right
    6. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    7. False/Reasonable/Right
    8. False/Reasonable/Right
    9. True/Reasonable/Right
    10. False/Reasonable/Right
    11. False/Reasonable/Right
    12. True/Reasonable/Right
    13. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    14. False/Reasonable/Wrong
    15. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    16. False/Reasonable/Right
    17. True/Reasonable/Right
    18. True/Reasonable/Right
    19. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    20. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    21. True/Reasonable/Right
    22. True/Reasonable/Right
    23. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    24. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    25. True/Reasonable/Right
    26. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    27. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    28. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    29. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    30. False/Reasonable/Right
    31. False/Unreasonable/Right
    32. False/Reasonable/Right
    33. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    34. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    35. False/Reasonable/Right
    36. True/Reasonable/Right
    37. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    38. True/Reasonable/Right
    39. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    40. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    41. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    42. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    43. True/Reasonable/Right
    44. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    45. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    46. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    47. True/Reasonable/Right
    48. False/Reasonable/Right
    49. False/Reasonable/Wrong
    50. False/Reasonable/Right

    Blind summary: When a women is getting a mammogram doctors tend to inform them of the results and the women are not receiving the news that they expect in fact it is a shame that some doctors will tell them that they dont have breast cancer when in fact they actually do. In some cases doctors even tell women they have breast cancer when they dont. I am completely outraged by how indecisive and careless doctors are when they are handling the lives of our women. If they take the job and are doing the mammograms the results should be completely accurate so these women can take the proper precautions.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This sounds like something written in haste, BallsSoHard, which is understandable, considering it was an in-class assignment for which little time was available. Let’s do two things here. I’m going to make corrections to your original and post them below. Then, I’m going to offer you time to make revisions for a grade improvement. See what you can do.

      Women are not receiving the accurate results of their mammograms that they deserve. Some women with tumors are being told they are healthy, when in fact they should be re-examined or be given biopsies on tumors they have. Others receive “false positives,” and are put through agony of re-examination when none is necessary. I am completely outraged by doctor carelessness and indecision. If they take the lives of women seriously, they should deliver completely accurate results so their patients can follow a proper course of action.

      Coded Grade before corrections: F


      1. feedback provided

        All women deserve accurate results for their mammograms, but this day in age they are too many “mistakes” being made which should not occur. Some women that have tumors are being told that they are healthy, when in fact they aren’t. Women should be re-examined or given a biopsies so that they can be sure they are getting precise results. Other women have been receiving “false positives” and are being put through so much extra work and unnecessary re-examination. I am outraged by how careless and uncertain the doctors are with our women. If they take the lives of women seriously there should be no mistakes and doctors should deliver accurate results.


        1. All women deserve accurate results for their mammograms, but [this day in age] [The phrase is “these days,” or “this day and age,” but both are unnecessary. If you’re not contrasting today with an earlier time, you don’t need to say anything about “now.”] [they] [You mean “there,” but again, this phrase is useless. Too many mistakes are made.] are too many “mistakes” being made[,] [Which requires a comma, that does not.] which should not occur. Some women [that] [Use “who” for people. Always.] have tumors are being told that they are healthy, when in fact they aren’t. [That’s twice you’ve stated the obvious. Of course errors should not occur. And of course women with tumors are not healthy. Cut both.] Women should be re-examined or given [a biopsies] [They need either “biopsies,” plural, or “a biopsy,” singular.] so that they can be sure they are getting precise [Precise isn’t correct. They need correct results.] results. Other women have been receiving “false positives” and are being put through so much [“So much” requires either an exclamation point at the end of the sentence, or an explanation of what that extra work causes.] extra work and unnecessary re-examination. I am outraged by [how careless and uncertain the] [careless and uncertain] doctors [are with our women] [Cut this.]. If they take the lives of women seriously, [You’ve said they don’t, so: If they took women’s lives seriously] there should [there would] be no mistakes [and doctors should deliver accurate results] [Again, obviously, if there were no mistakes, they would have delivered accurate results.

          So, with changes:

          All women deserve accurate results for their mammograms, but too many mistakes are made.Some women with tumors are being told that they are healthy when instead they should be re-examined or given biopsies to confirm or rule out cancer. Women who receive false positives and are being put through the trauma of needless re-examination. I am outraged by careless and incompetent doctors. If they took the lives of women seriously, there would be no such mistakes.

          Want to try again?
          Is this valuable experience?
          I don’t mean to frustrate you.

          Liked by 1 person

  23. 1.      True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    2.      True / Reasonable / Good
    3.      False / Unreasonable / Wrong
    4.      True / Reasonable / Good
    5.      True / Reasonable / Good
    6.      True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    7.      False / Not Crazy / Right
    8.      True / Reasonable / Good
    9.      False / Reasonable / Good
    10.  True / Reasonable / Good
    11.  False / Unreasonable/ Wrong
    12.  True / Reasonable / Good
    13.  False / Unreasonable / Wrong
    14.  False / Unreasonable / Wrong
    15.  False / Unreasonable / Wrong
    16.  False / Unreasonable/ Wrong
    17.  True / NOT Crazy/ Good
    18.  False / Unreasonable / Good
    19.  False/ Reasonable / Good
    20.  True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    21.  True / Reasonable / Wrong
    22.  True / Reasonable / Wrong
    23.  True / Reasonable / wrong
    24.  False / Unreasonable / Wrong
    25.  True / Reasonable / Good
    26.  True / Not Crazy / Bad
    27. True / Unreasonable / Bad
    28. True / Reasonable / Bad
    29. True / Reasonable/ Good
    30. True / Reasonable / Good
    31. True / Reasonable / Good
    32. True/ Reasonable/ Right
    33. False / Unreasonable/ Wrong
    34. False/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    35. True/ Reasonable/ Right
    36. True/ Reasonable/ Right
    37. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Wrong
    38. Likely/ Unreasonable/ Good
    39. True/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    40. False/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    41. True/ Reasonable/ Good
    42. True/ Reasonable/ Bad
    43. True/ Reasonable/ Good
    44. True/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    45. Unlikely/ Unreasonable/ Bad
    46. True/ Reasonable/ Good
    47. True/ Reasonable/ Good
    48. False/ Reasonable/ Good
    49. False/ Reasonable/ Bad
    50. True/ Reasonable/ Good

    Blind Summary
    From reading each of the statements this article is likely on the clear huge problem in the Radiology field. It seems that that with the occurrence of false positives and false negatives causes many women to be discouraged and less trustworthy of the mammograms. Due to there being such minor if any consequence for accountability in the mistakes made it makes women less likely to go get them done. The lack of accuracy in the test have made women question why even spend the time or the trouble to go in. Which doesn’t help either end of the spectrum by patients not going in that means less patients to see which means doctors will have less experience with mammograms and the patient who decides to skip it only puts herself at further risk by not getting checked. In order to right this action many hospitals now track and post rates of accuracy.


    1. Baritone, we need to do something right away to simplify your sentence structure. You get in your own way in almost every sentence. Several phrases that should be stricken from the language entirely show up in your writing with surprising frequency.

      Among them:
      —Sentences beginning with “From verbing . . . .”
      —Sentences containing “with the blank of . . . .”
      —Sentences containing “Due to their verbing . . . .”
      —Sentences that contain internal questions like “why even verb? . . . .”
      —Sentences beginning with Relative Pronouns like “Which doesn’t help . . . .”
      —Stringy sentences prolonged with conjunctions like “and the patient who verbs. . . .”
      —Sentences beginning with or containing “In order to verb . . . .”

      Here is your paragraph with all the problem constructions removed:

      The statements indicate that this article raises the clear huge problem in the Radiology field. False positives and false negatives cause many women to be discouraged and less trusting of mammograms. The lack of accountability for doctors who make mistakes makes women less likely to get mammograms. Women question why they should have an inaccurate test done, which harms women at both ends of the spectrum. Doctors who see fewer patients will have less experience with mammograms, and the patient who decides to skip the test puts herself at further risk by not getting checked. To improve this situation, many hospitals now track and post rates of accuracy.

      Please compare the two carefully to see how simply and directly you can make claims without relying on the “academic-sounding” phrases you seem to favor. Truly, they’re getting in your way. Find the clearest and most appropriate subject for your sentence, then make that subject DO something by using the most active and strenuous verb you can find.

      You may revise in a Reply post if you want a new grade. Don’t forget to ask for more feedback if you do.

      Coded Grade: P


  24. As a first comparison, I scanned all the reactions to Statement 46, which said:

    46. Dr. Adcock, who improved effectiveness in his radiology department by 25%, took himself off the team when his volume dropped.

    The Statement generated these responses:
    46. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    46. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    46. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    46. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    46) Likely / Unreasonable / Bad
    46.) Likely/ Reasonable/ bad
    46. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    46)True /reasonable / wrong
    46. True/ Reasonable/ Good
    46. True/unreasonable/Right
    46. Unlikely/Reasonable/Right
    46. True/unreasonable/Right
    46. True/unreasonable/Right
    46. True/Reasonable/Ethical
    46. Unlikely/ Reasonable/ Good
    46. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    46. True/ Reasonable/ Good

    First, I should say that statement 46 is accurate and true. Dr. Adcock did improve his team’s accuracy significantly; his own volume of readings did drop; and he did remove himself from the reading team because (since he wasn’t reading enough films to statistically demonstrate his accuracy) he had to assume he was missing cancers. Most of us agreed on that.

    Fewer than half of us thought his decision was reasonable, which I do not find surprising since it seems a terrible overreaction to remove himself from the film-reading team. However, before he “fired” himself, he had fired several other doctors whose volumes had dropped below the number needed to be statistically verifiable. It seems he decided the same standard should apply to all.

    I would have thought that those who thought the decision was unreasonable would also call the decision bad or wrong (and the reverse: those who called it reasonable I expected would call it good or right).

    I’d like to hear the reasoning of responders who thought the decision was both reasonable and wrong. I’d also like to hear from those who thought the decision was unreasonable but good.

    I believe there are perfectly acceptable explanations for both points of view, but I’d like to hear them expressed. Do so below if you can.


  25. 1. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    2. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    3. True/reasonable/Right
    4. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    5. True/Reasonable/Right
    6. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    7. False/Reasonable/Right
    8. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    9. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    10. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    11. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    12. True/Reasonable/Right
    13. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    14. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    15. False/Reasonable/Right
    16. False/Reasonable/Right
    17. True/Reasonable/Right
    18. True/Reasonable/Right
    19. True/Reasonable/Right
    20. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    21. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    22. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    23. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    24. True/Reasonable/Right
    25. True/Reasonable/Right
    26. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    27. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    28. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    29. True/Reasonable/Right
    30. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    31. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    32. True/Reasonable/Right
    33. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    34. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    35. True/Reasonable/Right
    36. True/Reasonable/Right
    37. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    38. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    39. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    40. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    41. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    42. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    43. True/Reasonable/Right
    44. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    45. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    46. False/Unreasonable/Wrong
    47. False/Reasonable/Right
    48. True/Reasonable/Wrong
    49. True/Unreasonable/Wrong
    50. True/Reasonable/Right
    Its pretty sad that when a women goes in to get a test that she may not come out with the correct result which can be something scary, not knowing if you need to go through all these medical procedures and may not even have anything wrong with you could be terrifying. Also there could be a chance that you may have something wrong with you that could have been healed at an early stage but since your result came out that you were fine, and because the result came out false your life could be taken away. The fact that women leave not really knowing the true results is sad.


    1. BTB, we need to fix some grammar and structure problems before the semester gets any older. You haven’t yet begun to eliminate the 2nd Person from your language. Maybe you thought I meant ONLY in your formal essays (I didn’t mean that). Maybe you aren’t sure what the 2nd Person means (It means using YOU, YOUR, and YOURS to address readers). In addition to that error that would cause automatic failure in your Portfolio, you’re writing runons—sentence-like structures that don’t end where they should—instead of legal sentences. I’ve corrected both problems below and made no additional changes. You can improve your grade if you wish by writing a new Blind Summary that bears no resemblance to your first and that corrects for both those error types.

      It’s pretty sad that, when a woman goes in to get a test, she can come out with an incorrect result that can be scary. Not knowing if she needs to undergo possibly needless medical procedures would be terrifying. On the other hand, a tumor that could have been healed at an early stage but was ignored because of a false positive could cost her life. The fact that a woman can leave the hospital or clinic not really knowing the true results is sad.

      Want to try? Post a completely different Summary as a Reply. Be sure to ask for more feedback if you do; otherwise, I won’t see it.
      Grade before Revision: N


  26. 1. true/unreasonable/wrong
    2. true/reasonable/right
    3. false/unreasonable/wrong
    4. true/unreasonable/wrong
    5. true/reasonable/right
    6. true/unreasonable/wrong
    7. false/unreasonable/wrong
    8. false/unreasonable/wrong
    9. true/unreasonable/wrong
    10. false/unreasonable/wrong
    11. true/reasonable/right
    12. true/reasonable/right
    13. true/unreasonable/wrong
    14. true/unreasonable/wrong
    15. false/unreasonable/wrong
    16. false/reasonable/right
    17. true/reasonable/right
    18. false/unreasonable/wrong
    19. true/unreasonable/wrong
    20. false/unreasonable/wrong
    21. false/unreasonable/wrong
    22. false/unreasonable/wrong
    23. true/unreasonable/wrong
    24. true/reasonable/right
    25. true/reasonable/right
    26. true/reasonable/right
    27. true/unreasonable/wrong
    28. true/unreasonable/wrong
    29. true/reasonable/right
    30. true/unreasonable/wrong
    31. false/unreasonable/wrong
    32. true/reasonable/right
    33. false/unreasonable/wrong
    34. false/unreasonable/wrong
    35. false/unreasonable/wrong
    36. true/reasonable/right
    37. false/unreasonable/wrong
    38. true/reasonable/right
    39. true/unreasonable/wrong
    40. false/unreasonable/wrong
    41. true/unreasonable/wrong
    42. true/unreasonable/wrong
    43. true/reasonable/right
    44. true/unreasonable/wrong
    45. true/unreasonable/wrong
    46. true/unreasonable/wrong
    47. false/reasonable/right
    48. false/unreasonable/wrong
    49. true/unreasonable/wrong
    50. false/unreasonable/wrong

    The job of a radiologist is very difficult. Assessing whether or not the result of a mammogram indicates a tumor, is especially difficult, and often misinterpreted. The reading of mammograms is so difficult, that a 70% effective rate is accepted nationwide. Accepting a 30% margin of error results in a slew of false positives and negatives, as well as infuriated women. These women sue, but doctors are usually removed from their reading teams or rehired elsewhere. Instead of doctors being held accountable and a solution being found, their errors are “normalized” and nothing is really achieved. There are techniques available that can raise the effectiveness of mammograms, but they are yet to be adopted by the masses. Lack of doctor accountability coupled with the acceptance of a 30% margin of error, is leading to less women getting routinely screened.


    1. NYCTime, I’m completely comfortable with your summary, and its content and judgment will earn you a perfectly acceptable grade. A better one is available, however, if you accept the challenge of improving your sentence structure by following these tips:

      —Eliminate needless commas
      —Avoid repetition across periods. (Example: Higher temperatures result in more rain. Additional rain is a problem in flood areas. Areas flooded by rain include river banks.)
      —Begin no sentence with “There is,” or “There are,” or “It is . . . .”
      —Avoid repeating sentence structures such as: A, but B. Instead of C, D. E, but F.
      —Use Less for mass nouns; Fewer for count nouns.

      Accept the challenge? Drop a revised paragraph in a Reply below. Be sure to ask for more feedback if you do; otherwise, I won’t see it.

      Grade before Revisions: K


  27. 1. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    2. True/ Reasonable/ right
    3. True/ Unreasonable/ right
    4. False/ Reasonable/ wrong
    5. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    6. False/ unreasonable/ wrong
    7. False/ reasonable/ right
    8. True/ reasonable/ right
    9. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    10. False/ reasonable/ right
    11. False/ reasonable/ right
    12. True/ unreasonable/ bad
    13. true/ unreasonable/ bad
    14. False/ unreasonable/ bad
    15. True/ unreasonable/ bad
    16. True/ reasonable/ right
    17. False/ unreasonable/ wrong
    18. False/ reasonable/ right
    19. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    20. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    21. False/ reasonable/ wrong
    22. True/ reasonable/ right
    23. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    24. false reasonable/ right
    25. True/ reasonable/ right
    26. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    27. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    28. False/ reasonable/ wrong
    29. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    30. True/ unreasonable/ right
    31. True/ reasonable/ right
    32. True/ reasonable/ right
    33. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    34. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    35. False/ reasonable/ right
    36. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    37. True/ reaosnable/ wrong
    38. False/ reasonable/ right
    39. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    40. False/ unreasonable/ wrong
    41. False/ unreasonable/ right
    42. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    43. False/ reasonable/ right
    44. False/ reasonable/ wrong
    45. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    46. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    47. False/ reasonable/ right
    48. True/ reasonable/ wrong
    49. True/ unreasonable/ wrong
    50. False/ reasonable/ wrong

    Blind Summary

    After reading these premises I would have to assume that the article would have to be about the flaws and possible misjudgment within this healthcare system. It has come to my attention that we are seeing doctors misdiagnose possible breast cancer patients and end up turning a blind eye to them. Yes there are clinics that obtain high percentages of correct diagnosis, but at the same time when compared to the clinics with far lower rate of success, the top seems to feel a bit weak and we then say to ourselves, why are these success rates not at 100% or at the very least 99%? It probably also discusses the fact that when these doctors misdiagnose these patients they aren’t held accountable for what happens to the patient. This misjudgment and mistrust within the system is causing women to go untreated and unchecked for possible signs of breast cancer, either because the doctors are misdiagnosing the patient or the patient cannot trust the doctor.


  28. 1. True / Unreasonable / Wrong.
    Women who find out how many cancers their doctors miss in routine mammograms stop getting mammograms.
    2. True / Unreasonable / Wrong.
    Radiologists who perform mammograms are held accountable for the accuracy of their readings.
    3. False / Reasonable / Right
    A doctor who finds hundreds of tumors in a year and a half, but who misses 10, is almost always fired.
    4. False / Reasonable / Right
    Doctors who read only a few mammograms a month are removed from film-reading teams so that they read none at all.
    5. True / Reasonable / Right
    Publishing the failure rates of radiologists improves their accuracy to the best the discipline can achieve.
    6. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    The best technique for improving diagnosis accuracy has been adopted by almost no radiology departments.
    7. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    Congress demands that radiologists be held accountable for their accuracy at detecting tumors in mammogram films.
    8. False / Unreasonable / Wrong
    The 20,000 US doctors who read breast X-rays are trained to do so; their accuracy is known and tested.
    9. True / Reasonable / Wrong
    The medical profession accepts that, to varying degrees, all doctors make the same mistakes.
    10. False / Reasonable / Right
    Doctors who do mammographies follow up with those patients to discover whether their diagnoses were correct.
    11. False/unreasonable/ right
    Doctors appreciate knowing whether they missed actual tumors or misread the “shadows and swirls” of a mammogram as a tumor.
    12. True/unreasonable/right
    The “shame” of confronting an incorrect diagnosis is a valuable teaching tool for doctors who diagnose cancers from mammograms.
    13. true/unreasonable/right
    An accuracy rate of 80% in detecting cancers from mammograms is something to brag about.
    The best doctor to head a radiology department is a squeamish physician who trained as a lawyer and prefers not to deal with patients “and their blood.”
    15. false/unreasonable/wrong
    Radiology can be tracked well statistically because patients either have tumors or they don’t.
    16. true/reasonable/wrong
    When the director of the radiology department discovers a way to improve the accuracy of cancer diagnoses, his method is immediately embraced by hospital administrators.
    17. false/unreasonable/wrong
    When New York hospitals began to publish their surgeons’ heart surgery successes and failures, the death rate fell by 40%.
    18. true/reasonable/right
    The falling death rate meant that heart surgeons were doing more careful work.
    19. False/reasonable/right
    Hospitals that reduce their false diagnoses proudly advertise that they “make 20% fewer errors” than their competitors.
    20. true/reasonable/wrong
    Publishing the error rates of mammography radiologists results in an uncertain but significant number of cancer deaths in women who avoid testing.
    A radiologist who is known to have missed a tumor is likely to have missed a dozen out of 3000 he declared to be tumor-free.
    22. true/reasonable/wrong
    Out of those 3000, when 250 were scanned again, and 30 were biopsied, 10 were found to have cancers he had missed.
    Finding those 10 cancers was reported as a front-page medical scandal instead of a triumph of an enlightened new technique for avoiding missed diagnoses.
    24. True/ reasonable/ right
    Many of the 250 women who were told they needed followup were angry.
    Of the ten whose cancers were missed by the first doctor but discovered in followup screenings, most sued the hospital for malpractice.
    26. true/reasonable/right
    The doctor who missed the 10 tumors felt he had been treated unfairly, that only 3 of the cancers could be blamed on him, and that his error rate was acceptable.
    27. true/reasonable/right
    After being fired, he was hired as a fill-in radiologist in five states bordering North Carolina.
    28. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    The radiologists on the terminated doctor’s team supported him, not the hospital, and resent having their work scrutinized and their failure rates published.
    29. True / Reasonable / Right
    While some doctors read 14,000 films a year, and others fewer than 500, failure rates are very similar.
    30. True / Reasonable / Right
    Doctors who read just 500 films a year get re-assigned to other work since their sample size is too small to determine their accuracy.
    31. False / Unreasonable / Wrong
    Doctors who are “fired” from film reading based on low volume are relieved to have the diagnostic responsibility taken from them.
    32. False / Reasonable / Right
    Doctors would rather bring a patient back for a second look or a biopsy than miss a tumor.
    33. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    Doctors are much happier to find evidence on the film of a cancer that has “been around for awhile.”
    34. True / Reasonable / Right
    Routinely experiencing the shame of missed diagnoses in tests every four months builds confidence in radiologists.
    35. False / Reasonable / Right
    Most hospitals send out lists of actual missed tumors or “false negatives” to their radiologists every year so they can study the films they misinterpreted.
    36. True / Reasonable / Right
    The Kaiser Permanente department has learned to detect various “presentations” of tumors on film by studying films of actual missed tumors after the fact.
    37. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    In North Carolina, for every two cancers radiologists find, they miss one.
    38. True / Reasonable / Right
    If the results at Kaiser Permanente were replicated nationwide, better than 80% of cancers would be found and 10,000 more cancers would be correctly detected each year.
    39. True / Reasonable / Right
    False positives are easy to track, but almost nobody tracks false negatives (missed tumors that show up in later mammograms).
    40. True / Unreasonable ? Wrong
    There is no routine followup for women who, on the basis of their mammograms, are determined to be tumor free.
    41. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    Holding radiologists to a higher standard of competency results in reduced access to quality care.
    42. True / Reasonable / Right
    Making failure rates public increases the likelihood of malpractice claims, which in turn drives up insurance rates, which in turn drives good doctors from the field.
    43. False / Unreasonable / Wrong
    Having two doctors instead of one review every film improves accuracy and drives down costs.
    44. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    A nationwide 70% effectiveness rate is considered the best that can be achieved practically and politically.
    45. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    Government oversight of physician performance to standardize techniques nationally has actually reduced accuracy.
    46. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    Dr. Adcock, who improved effectiveness in his radiology department by 25%, took himself off the team when his volume dropped.
    47. True / Unreasonable / Wrong
    The most conscientious doctors, who agonize over the presence or absence of tumors on every film, are by far the most effective.
    48. True / Reasonable / Wrong
    When they have a choice, women are best served by the doctors who send the largest percentage of women for biopsies because they miss the fewest cancers.
    49. False / Unreasonable / Wrong
    The best indicator of whether a doctor is competent to read mammograms is the number of times she’s been sued.
    50. True / Reasonable / Right
    A good day for mammograms is Mother’s Day, when many clinics offer free or discounted exams.

    Blind Summary:

    There have been incidences where mammogram results haven’t been analyzed accurately. Due to which patients go through a whole lot of fearful trauma. A false positive leads to an inessential biopsy and a false negative can cause serious health problems because the patients will be unaware about the cancer until the later stage where its irrevocable. Due to a lot of breast cancer awareness campaigns in the recent past years more and more women are opting for regular checkups and mammograms. However, because of the inefficiency in reading the results most women end up having breast cancer in later stages of their lives.


  29. 1. False/Unreasonable/Bad
    2. False/ Reasonable/Bad
    3. False/Unreasonable/Bad
    4. False, Reasonable, Bad
    5. True, Reasonable, Good
    6. False, Unreasonable, Bad
    7. False, Reasonable, Good
    8. True, Reasonable, Good
    9. False, Reasonable, Bad
    10. False, Reasonable. Good
    11. False, Unreasonable, Good
    12. True, Unreasonable, Bad
    13. False, Unreasonable, Bad
    14. False, Reasonable, Bad
    15. False, Unreasonable, Bad
    16. False, Reasonable, Good
    17. True, Reasonable, Good
    18. True, Reasonable, Bad
    19. True, Reasonable, Bad
    20. True, Reasonable, Bad
    21. True, Reasonable, Bad
    22. Likely, Reasonable, Bad
    23. True, Unreasonable, Bad
    24. True, Reasonable, Bad
    25. True, Unreasonable, Bad
    26. True, Unreasonable, Bad
    27. True, Unreasonable, Bad
    28. True, Reasonable, Bad
    29. True, Reasonable, Bad
    30. True, Unreasonable, Bad
    31. True, Unreasonable, Bad
    32. True, Reasonable, Good
    33. False, Unreasonable, Bad
    34. False, Unreasonable, Bad
    35. True, Reasonable, Good
    36. True, Reasonable, Bad
    37. False, Unreasonable, Bad
    38. False, Unreasonable, Bad
    39. True, Reasonable, Bad
    40. False, Unreasonable, Bad
    41. False, Reasonable, Good
    42. Likely, Reasonable, Good
    43. Likely, Reasonable, Good
    44. False, Unreasonable, Bad
    45. Likely, Unreasonable, Bad
    46. Likely, Reasonable, Good
    47. True, Reasonable, Bad
    48. True, Unreasonable, Bad
    49. False, Unreasonable, Bad
    50. False, Reasonable, Good

    My Blind Summary:
    The article, “Mammogram Team Learns From It’s Errors” written by Michael Moss brings us through a life changing experience when Dr. Kim A Adcock made a breakthrough in mammography. He wanted to change the problems with his staff so he decided to keep score of the cancers that his doctors missed. This would change the game from there on out and this is when major changes started to being in his mammography department. Dr. Adcock fired doctors that he felt were not doing their job to their full potential and have missed too many cancers. These actions sparked headlines throughout the country with a doctor taking action to making a better medical department.


    1. Nice work, NReina. I appreciate that you found the motivation to do a school exercise on a snow day. Leave some Notes on the Agenda for WED MAR 21 so I can credit you with attendance.


  30. 1. True/ Unreasonable/ wrong
    2. False/ unreasonable/wrong
    3. False/reasonable/ right
    4. False/ unreasonable/wrong
    5. True/ unreasonable/wrong
    6. False/unreasonable/wrong
    7. True/reasonable/right
    8. True/ reasonable/wrong.
    9. True/reasonable/right
    11. False/unreasonable/ right
    12. True/unreasonable/right
    13. True/unreasonable/right
    14. False/unreasonable/wrong
    15. False/unreasonable/wrong
    16. True/reasonable/wrong
    17. False/unreasonable/wrong
    18. True/reasonable/right
    19. False/reasonable/right
    20. True/reasonable/wrong
    21. False/reasonable/wrong
    22. True/reasonable/right
    23. True/reasonable/wrong
    24. False/reasonable/right
    25. True/reasonable/right
    26. True/unreasonable/wrong
    27. True/unreasonable/wrong
    28. False/reasonable/wrong
    29. True/unreasonable/wrong
    30. True/unreasonable/right
    31. True/reasonable/right
    32. True/reasonable/right
    33. True/unreasonable/wrong
    34. True/reasonable/wrong
    35. False/reasonable/right
    36. True/reasonable/wrong
    37. True/reasonable/wrong
    38. False/reasonable/right
    39. True/reasonable/wrong
    40. False/unreasonable/wrong
    41. False/unreasonable/right
    42. True/reasonable/wrong
    43. False/reasonable/right
    44. False/reasonable/wrong
    45. True/reasonable/wrong
    46. True/unreasonable/wrong
    47. False/reasonable/right
    48. False/reasonable/right
    49. True/unreasonable/wrong
    50. False/reasonable/wrong

    Blind Summary:
    Because of the nature of what mammograms find (tumors), a doctor who finds hundreds of tumors a year but still misses 10 is almost always fired. Despite the upsides of recording a doctors record for mammograms, there’s still plenty of corrupt and lazy work. If more offices matched the Kaiser Permanente, then more cancers would be found each year, and death rates would decrease. A bad day for getting mammograms would be on Mother’s day since there’d be more people. Lines will be longer so doctors might rush.


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