My Hypothesis- Dancers8

  1. Cyber bullying
  2.  Cyber bullying and its effects on a person within a school setting
  3. Cyber bullying and bullying cases have negative effects on the person being bullied and the bully
  4.  Raising the age of when children should be able to obtain cellphones and access the internet/ social media accounts.
  5.  By putting a strict age restriction on when children are able to join social media will lower the number of cyber bullying cases seen.

9 thoughts on “My Hypothesis- Dancers8”

  1. A good start, Dancers. I could just as easily contend that delaying the age at which children are admitted to school would delay the age at which they begin to bully their classmates.

    Do you intend to prove that something about access to social media creates bullying?
    If not, eliminating social media access won’t eliminate bullying.

    You’re ambiguous about 1) cellphones and 2) social media. Do you have to prohibit cellphones in order to age-restrict access to social media?


  2. From now on, we can ignore this post, D8. Its purpose was to get the ball rolling. Any further revisions or enhancements to your Hypothesis can be accomplished inside your White Paper, which is already showing progress. Your next step will be to find academic sources to dispute or support the theories shared by all the popular and advocacy sources you’ve gathered so far. I’ll help you with that shortly. For now, keep up the good work.


  3. Thank you for getting back to me about my white paper, I apologize that my reply has taken some time. I have been thinking more about my paper and which way the topic may go I’m not sure which direction I want to take, or I can prove through this topic.


    1. That’s not a problem, Dancers. It describes the research process perfectly. You start with a hypothesis that sounds reasonable, then you read as widely and deeply as you can on your topic, always remaining open to surprise, and deciding as you go “which direction to take” and “what you can prove.”

      The way forward is always to continue seeking and reading new sources, following their lead instead of trying to force a proof on something.


  4. I have been thinking about my rebuttal and I am struggling to come up with an idea as to what to write about I was wondering if you could provide some help. I am aware that you are not supposed to argue about your findings however add the other point of view. In my case I am stating that abuse at home can lead a child to bully so what would my rebuttal on this topic be. I don’t want to head in the wrong direction.


  5. My first reaction, Dancers, is that your thesis will be hard to prove conclusively for several reasons.

    1. A precise Definition of “Abuse at Home” will be very difficult to accomplish. You might mean psychological abuse; you might mean a nightly routine of brutal beatings; you might mean a child who was struck once but lived the rest of his childhood in fear of being hit again; you might mean sexual abuse; you might mean a routine of insults and disparagement. A child might be treated well by parents but abused by siblings. A child might be made to feel worthless by Dad but overpraised by Mom. What qualifies as abuse?

    2. If you could get that squared away, or if ALL of those scenarios qualify as “abused at home,” you may end up with a demographic so broad that generalizing about it is nearly meaningless. Do you really want to argue that any kind of negative treatment during childhood results in bullying behavior?

    3. What percentage of cause/effect correlation will qualify as proof of your argument? If 100 kids are abused during their childhood but 80 manage to escape turning into bullies, do the 20 who DO become bullies prove your thesis? Maybe. But what if I were to argue that 20 out of 100 kids who DON’T experience bullying in their childhood homes exhibit bullying behavior outside the home? How will you make the case that the home abuse caused the public acting out?

    I ask these questions NOT to make you uncomfortable about your thesis. It might be perfectly sound and reasonable. I’m suggesting that these questions are reasonable objections your readers will be asking themselves as they follow your arguments. That makes them VERY GOOD opportunities for refutation. You need to take the questions seriously, recognize that your argument will only be persuasive if you can answer the objections, and do your best to negate the power of your readers’ objections.

    Is that helpful?


  6. Thank you for getting back to me as to where I should take my paper your feedback was helpful and will definitely be used within my paper. I appreciate that you provided me with help and ideas.


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