Annotated Bibliography – rainbow987

Resource 1:

Cooper, Amy, et al. “Mental Illness Stigma and Care Seeking .” Ovid.

Background: This article discusses the correlation between a negative attitude/stigma towards mental illness and the treatment adherence of patients.

How I Used It:I used the information in this article to gather information on how the negative stigmas regarding mental illness affect the likelihood that a person will receive treatment. I applied this information to my mental illness topic, which is major depressive disorder.

Resource 2:

Corrigan, P. W., Kleinlein, P. (Ed.). (2005). On the stigma of mental illness: Practical strategies for       research and social change.“

Background:This article discusses the societal effects of mental illness stigma and how they affect life for a person struggling with a disorder.

How I Used It:I used this article as a reference as to how negative stigmas affect those with a mental illness on an everyday basis. Examples of how the stigmas could affect daily life include when being hired for a job or rented a house.

Resource 3:

Hendrick, Victoria, et al. “Hormonal Changes in the Postpartum and Implications for Postpartum Depression.” Psychosomatics, Elsevier, 29 Apr. 2011, 

Background:Biological factors could lead to the possible development of postpartum depression in a woman. Preexisting factors such as genetic history or a predisposition to depression could lead to postpartum upon delivery of a child. However, in addition to this, there are dramatic hormonal fluctuations when a woman gives birth that could have a significant effect on mood, which could also cause postpartum depression.

How I Used It:The DSM-IV describes an episode of postpartum depression as the same category as a major depressive episode. Therefore, the information in this article could be used for my article, as most of the information regarding symptoms of postpartum depression could be applied for my research on major depression. This article provided concrete, quantitative evidence that  depression is not entirely “in a person’s head,” as many believe. Therefore, if there is biological evidence supporting the cause of depression, a person cannot be blamed for inducing it. This argument supported my thesis well.

Resource 4:

Henriques, Gregg. “Anxiety and Depression Are Symptoms, Not Diseases.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 26 Mar. 2016, 

Background:The author of this article argues that depression and anxiety are not illnesses in themselves. He emphasizes that they are symptoms of other illnesses. He also says that they hint to an underlying issue.

How I Used It:I used this article for my rebuttal argument. The author’s opinion that depression is not an issue enough to be considered its own illness adds to my argument that people disregard depression as a disorder.

Resource 5:

Hocking, Barbara. “Reducing Mental Illness Stigma and Discrimination — Everybody’s Business.” MJA.

Background:This article discusses the distress that an individual can feel due to an overwhelming stigma against mental illness. In addition, it talks about how the community can work to overcome this issue.

How I Used It:I used this article to learn about what causes the negative stigma regarding mental illness. Resources such as the media and other factors all play a part in how people respond to mental illness. I used this information to further my argument.

Resource 6:

“More than Half of US Adults with Mental Illness Don’t Get Needed Care.” Fox News, FOX News Network,

Background: This article provides the statistics regarding the number of adults with mental illness that do not receive treatment. It chronicles the numerous reasons why an adult with mental illness would opt out of available treatments.

How I Used It:I used this article to discuss the reasons why people with mental illness choose to not receive treatment. Among others, one of the primary reasons that a person does not seek treatment is due to a fear of being judged by others. This idea is explained in detail in this article. This argument serves well to my thesis, as a the negative stigma surrounding mental illness inhibits the well being of someone suffering from a mental illness.

Resource 7:

O’Hara, Michael W. “Postpartum Depression and Child Development.” Google Books

Background:This article provides general information about postpartum depression, including what the disorder is and symptoms that come with the illness. It provides the reader with information about a variety of different aspects of the disorder and how it can affect women initially and over time.

How I Used It: Postpartum depression is a type of depression that occurs following childbirth. The symptoms of postpartum depression are mostly all the same as major depressive disorder. Therefore, I could apply the information from this article to my research paper. I think that it is important to provide my reader with a general understanding of what depression is and the symptoms of it. It is not smart to assume that the reader has a background on the topic. Therefore, this article helped me to further my knowledge about the disorder and everything that it entails so that I could  provide detailed and accurate information to the reader.

Resource 8: 

Pinto-Foltz, Melissa D., and M. Cynthia Logsdon. “Stigma Towards Mental Illness: A Concept Analysis Using Postpartum Depression as an Exemplar.” Taylor & Francis

Background:Stigmas are a large issue related to mental illness. The impact that negative stigmas have on a person is sometimes severe. People often do not seek treatment for serious health concerns, such as postpartum depression, due to the fear of being judged or accused of having self-inflicted their issues. The author discloses statistics and historical background related to the negative stigmas regarding mental illness and how people are affected by them.

How I Used It:This article assisted me by providing statistical research that has been conducted regarding the social effects of stigmas against mental illness. Although the example illness that is used in this article is postpartum depression, I applied the information to the stigmas against major depressive disorder.

Resource 9:

Pratt, Laura A., and Debra J. Brody. “National Center for Health Statistics.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 19 Jan. 2010.

Background:This article provides statistical evidence as to the significance of depression in the population.

How I Used It: I used the information in this article to emphasize the prevalence of major depressive disorder in the population. Due to the high prevalence, my argument that negative stigmas are unjust is emphasized.


Resource 10:

Susman, David. “8 Reasons Why People Don’t Get Treated For Mental Illness .”

Background: This article provides a list and explanation about why people do not seek treatment for mental illness. In addition, it addresses the issue and proposes things that have been done to try to better the problem.

How I Used It:I used this article to give me more insight into more reasons why people do not seek treatment for mental illness, as there are many. In addition, I found the additional information helpful with how the government is trying to better health care availability for those with mental illnesses such as depression.




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