Robust Verbs-theshocker69

There is a massive problem in Vancouver with heroin addicts committing crimes to support their habits. The “Free Heroin for Addicts” program is doing everything they can to help the addicts. As a result of addiction, there has been sky-high crime rates. Obviously, addicts have a harder time getting through their day to day lives as apposed to the normal citizen. Daily activities such as work, interactions, and relationships are hard to maintain because of their drug use. Thanks to their addiction, they will do anything for their fix. Breaking and entering, along with stealing, are among the type of crimes committed. There is no limit to how far an addict will go to feed their addiction. However, this program will not help addicts ween off of their drugs. All this will do is lower crime rate. Providing the drug will prevent minor street crime by taking the addicts off of the streets, while also keeping them out of the hospital. Now, hospitals must deal with drug addicts who cannot afford their medical bills, let alone function without their drug. This program gives addicts free heroin in the cleanest way possible, and it may help the city, but it will not cure the addict’s disease.

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